GOD is in the details of our lives. 

God is aware of our circumstances. He knows exactly what we need, how and when we need it. God doesn’t forget about HIS people, sometimes we have to hit rock bottom in order to realize our need for God, be persistent in our desire for God in order to SEE with our own eyes that HE is moving. 

If you have followed my blogs or heard my story, before the race I had lost my sense of purpose and was walking in sin. I was desperate for change and felt hopeless for years, even though I knew God to be HOPE I still couldn’t figure out how to get past this. I prayed, prayed and prayed over and over again.

I finally hit this place of total surrender and desired what Gods plans were for my life even more than what I thought i wanted. It was hard, and it hurt so bad to let go but God was fighting for me and for my heart to be HIS again.

                   He did whatever means necessary to get me there.


GOD is the SAME yesterday, today and tomorrow. The same miracles that He did in for his people in the past…

>Using Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and the people accepting him to lead them.
>The Egyptians blessing the Israelites with clothing, and silver/gold.
>Parting the Red Sea and defeating the Egyptians.
>Providing Manna & Quail everyday while the Israelites were in the desert.
>JESUS dying for our sins and giving us NEW life, and restoring our relationship with God as our Father. 

…He still does today. 

The list goes on and on throughout history on how God fights for our FREEDOM and how He unfolds the promises in our lives. 

What I thought i wanted, God rejected. He said no! It wasn’t until I surrendered and was okay with the “No” that I could receive the fullness of Gods promises for my life. At the start of this new year, I started seeing those promises being fulfilled.

Month 7 of the race, in Egypt. After being able to go see the pyramids and the nile river; something that I have always wanted to experience, a close friend of mine reached out to share about her husband being deployed after only being married for 6 months. I can’t even imagine, and was hurting for her, glad that she reached out to me. As her and her husband were talking about it, He asked what I was doing after the race and they offered me to move in when I get back home and live with her for free. 

Not only was God opening up this amazing door for me in a new city away so that I could continue to move forward in this freedom and fulfilling what God said about NEW Beginnings, but was also providing her a friend to be there for her in such a hard transition. God intervened in her situation; to bring her love, peace, and comfort right when she needed it and way before this transition even takes place. 

It was beautiful to see Gods hand over both of our lives in a time of transition, He knows exactly what we need and works out all the details of our lives. 

Drum Roll please….
I am moving to Nashville, TN. 

I was feeling multiple things in this decision. What about my friends and family? Even though is was so close to home, what will they think and feel about this? I had reservations in my heart, knowing that this would mean a new community [AGAIN] and no one knowing me, and the gifts that I have to offer the ministry like my friends back home do. So I prayed and asked for confirmation!

Sign one- I got an email Feb 12th from the World Race, that was titled “Goodbye to Fear” and it was about this guy that just got back from the world race in November  and he was from Nashville, TN. 

  – November my birthday month and the 12th is the day I was born. 

  – I had been fearing the future.

  – I am on the world race.

  – Nashville, TN is the city I was praying about. 

I thought maybe thats just a coincidence, and kept praying.

Sign two – Received a devotional email for women that goes straight to my promotions inbox that I have to look back for. The date: FEB 12th, and the title “MOVE WITH ME NOW,” it literally said ” I am giving you a place to lay your head, where you will be known, wanted and desired. Literally was just praying about that and its the same date as the first email. Coincidence? I think not! 

I talked it out with my friend Shea, and logically it just made sense. Why would God put you back into the same place, and the same state after calling you to new? HE wouldn’t put you back into the same situation after He brought you through healing and is calling you to move forward.

Sign three- A married couple from South Africa came all the way to Egypt to the land we were staying at to see our hosts. When they got there, we were about to have dinner and so they came in and we begin to introduce ourselves. Matt said he was from Tennessee, and to which they responded “Where at?” Knoxville he replied. “Really? we are going to Nashville, TN this April” she said. Seriously?!? My team and I just burst out with laughter, knowing that God was confirming this move. 

I finally said YES to the Lord, that I would move to Nashville. 

Two days later, he worked on my behalf of the moving out part and not having to worry about the details.

He said “I am taking care of it, sit back and watch it all fall into place.”  

I had kept looking at this gift with hesitancy and concern about it being “too good to be true” and “what about all the people in my life that it would affect.” I had been looking at the future with this thought that I would be put back in an awkward uncomfortable situation that might jeopardize all the progress I’ve walked in, but thats not the kind of God we serve! 

              He said “Why wouldn’t I give you a good gift?” 

God cares about you. He cares about the details of your life. Matthew 6: 25-34 and 7: 7-11 Talks about how God is our Father and how he cares for us, to seek him and everything will be taken care of, that He gives us good gifts. 

The enemy wants to make you feel like you are not worthy of love, that you have to “work” for it. He wants us to pull away from our inheritance as CHILDREN OF GOD. We inherited FREEDOM when Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and we inherited all HIS promises for our lives. We just have to accept his goodness and his love for us!

Lets not forget or if you haven’t heard, Jesus is the GREATEST gift of all!