When I was called to the World race, Egypt was on my heart and a country that I had felt very called to. When preparing to leave for the race, my squad found out that it had been taken off our route for our safety because of the bombings that summer. My friend Chelsee had a vision of me in Egypt before I even got accepted to this particular route [Expedition] and I just knew in my heart that the desire He placed there He would fulfill. I didn’t know how we would end up in Egypt this year with a resounding no over and over from our leadership, but I knew somehow and someway that we would be going. So I stood on that promise and spoke it out that God would open the door.
God made a connection back in November with this guy who knew someone in Egypt. Andrew wrote a proposal and it got approved, we then had to raise around 11,000 in 20 days. ALL the money and more came in within 18 days, God just totally swung the door wide open. Thank you again, for all your prayers and support. It was hands down, my most favorite and fruitful month on the race so far.
God taught me 3 important things this month that I will share in the next few blogs..
1) When God makes a promise, He fulfills it.
2) God is in the details.
3) Why wouldn’t God give us good gifts?
Before I get into the personal side of things about what God specifically did in my heart and what He was teaching me, I want to share with you the ministry opportunities that we had. I want you to know what your prayers did and the impact you made by supporting us.
In four very BUSY days, we prayed over 1,000s of people in both the muslim and christian faith.
Hospital- Our host saw the gift I have of being able to “break the ice and change the atmosphere of a room” for our team to go in and love on everyone. Our team took candy for the kiddos, and began engaging with all the people waiting to see the doctor. We began praying over everyone, regardless of what religious background they had, they welcomed us to pray for them. We went into every room in the Hospital. We prayed for the patients for healing and their situations, every doctor and nurse were prayed over and loved on as well.
I have never prayed over so many people in one day in my life! God gave us the strength and perseverance to make sure every single person we came in contact with received prayer.
Matt was able to preach to the doctors and nurses, which was really awesome given his medical background and passion for the medical field. He did such a great job!
Special Needs school- We were able to go to this school and be in the classrooms to spend time with the kids.This was seriously such a beautiful time and I fell in LOVE with all the children.
College Meeting- Nathan and I led worship in English. Hakeem got to share his testimony about Egypt and Andrew got to share the Gospel, they killed it!!
Everything was so on the fly and everyone did such an amazing job using their gifts and stepping up!
Youth Meeting- Bradley shared a different perspective with the youth about the prodigal son, it was so good and the kids were so responsive!
Children’s Ministry- Shea got to lead the kids in a bible story, I wasn’t there but I know that Shea has a knack for telling stories and is seriously amazing with the kiddos!
Public School- We went to a public school where the kids are split christian/muslim and were introduced to over 1,000 kids and teachers. We were able to share about us traveling and then was asked to share a something with the kids to encourage them. Everyone looked and nodded at me to speak, so I asked the headmaster if I could share my testimony…so I shared the Gospel and its the first time anyone has ever publicly shared about Jesus in a public school like that. It was seriously SO cool that I had the opportunity to share with that many students!
We went around to all the classrooms to hand out biscuits [aka cookies], get to know the students and of course when the headmaster finds out one of your hobbies are to sing; you end up singing in most every classroom. So of course our team ended up singing a worship song!
So we worshiped God and shared the Gospel in a public school to over 1,000 kids and adults!!
Prayer Ministry- We spent the rest of the month in prayer as a team and praying through out the day as individuals in the prayer room. It was the BEST, such a fruitful time! God started speaking to our team about the future plans for after the race. We started praying for BIG things and seeing God speak to each of us so uniquely.
I am still praying for my big things for people and countries, if you would like prayer for anything then drop a comment below or message me privately and I can add you to my list!
Soccer field- We got to start the soccer field, I have never dug so many holes in my life but it was actually super cool and I enjoyed getting my hands dirty [literally] every day. Nathan did an amazing job leading the team on this project and we were so thankful he knew what he was doing!
TESTIMONY- Right before we left, a man reached out to our host and asked about bringing 50 muslim children to the land and wondered if there was a place for them to do sports or activities [to share the gospel] and our host was able to say “I have a team here now, building a soccer field] HEYYYY GOD!!! Praise HIM!
The soccer field still needs finances to finish it but we knocked out a huge part of it and it is cool to see God opening up doors already for people to use it for the gospel to be shared.
MISC- We also helped build a wall for a new classroom/game room, a fire pit and refinished some benches!
Egypt was REFRESHING, REFLECTIVE, and POWERFUL. It was much needed and was seriously my most favorite month yet!