Psalm 23 says
“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and staff comfort me”
Our team did a bible study over Psalm 23, as we read over the verse above I saw this in a vision.
Imagine yourself on a path in the woods, all of the moon is completely covered by the large trees and you can’t see anything ahead of you, not even your own hands. The wind is howling, you can hear your breath getting louder and louder as you feel anxious about where you are and where you are going. Fear starts to take over your body and peace feels unattainable. Your thoughts begin to take control as you start to worry about all the bad things that may happen if you don’t find a way out. Then you hear this gentle loving voice whisper “Follow me, I will lead the way”. Suddenly, you grab tightly to the back of their shirt as they lead you with their flashlight. All fear releases from your chest and though you can’t see what is ahead, you choose in that moment to trust that they know the way and will guide you along the right path.
In the vision, I saw myself grabbing hold of God from behind and I couldn’t see anything up front of me other than Him. I didn’t know where he was taking me, and I couldn’t even see the flashlight in his hands but I knew he had the light and he knew where he was going.
I’ll leave this vision and the scripture for you to think on and pray about for yourself. Ask God to show you what he wants you to understand from this vision. I believe that He will speak to your heart and show you something awesome!!
I felt led to share this song to go along with this vision, hope you feel Gods love and presence in it!