Preparing to leave for a year is pretty stressful.  

What do I pack?  How much personal money should I save up for? What vacinations do I need? Shoot! I need to get that plane ticket to training camp! Wait….Training camp??? Woah, that’s only 50 days away! That means launch is coming up as well.   

Time passed by so fast and before I knew it launch was just four months away.  I wanted to get all my ducks in a row before I was hugging my parents goodbye for a year and I knew if I left in January that wouldn’t be possible.  After praying about my decision, I decided I needed to postpone my launch date to August 2017.  I will miss my phone buzzing every 5 minutes from January R-squad chit chatting on GroupMe about every topic under the sun, but I feel really good about having more time to prepare!    

So what does this route change mean for you and me? 

It means that my fundraising deadlines have changed to…

$5,000 – May 9th

$10,000July 18th

$13,000September 30th

$17,417November 30th

*all the support I’ve already received will now go towards my trip in August!


Along with a new launch date comes a new route!

I will now be sharing the Gospel in…

India (August ’17)

Nepal (September ’17)

Thailand (October ’17)

Cambodia (November ’17)

Vietnam (December ’17)

Rwanda (January ’18)

Ethiopia (February ’18)

Bolivia (March ’18)

Peru (April ’18)

Ecuador (May ’18)

Colombia (June ’18) 

I am so excited to go to these countries and spread the gospel with my teammates!  Please pray for us and if you feel led to support me financially that can be done by clicking “donate!” above.  Thank you so much! 

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