PSA: This is my first ever attempt at a blog post. It will be rough for all of us. Proceed with caution.

Every time I’m asked for an ‘about me,’ I panic a little bit. Do I offer the quirky hobbies that bring me joy, or do I dive right into the thoughtful, messy stuff that fills my heart? I think I’ll just cover both.

First things first, I’m Stephanie! I’m a 25 year old Graphic Designer living in Nashville, TN. I enjoy illustrating silly things, solving puzzles, and laughing till I can’t breathe. Seriously, life is best enjoyed in a fit of laughter. I’m constantly on the hunt for the world’s best queso. But most importantly, I love Jesus, sweet tea, and Mississippi State football.

If you asked me three months ago if I’d ever be a missionary, I would’ve laughed. Not because it’s a crazy thing to do, but because I thought I already had plans. I was settled in my post-grad life, eating Mexican food a few times a week everyday and definitely inadequate for a calling like that.

I was raised in the church, and loved Jesus, but some not-so-great decisions and broken relationships left me with a lot of guilt and some serious anxiety. Long story short, I found myself back in church and was able to truly experience God’s grace for the first time. And y’all, it has been amazing.



Fast forward to August, when the World Race was abruptly put on my heart. A year spent backpacking around the world to serve the poor and broken. An opportunity to surrender my life and live without the comfort and security that I too often take pride in. A chance to love on people and spread the Gospel. How could I say no?! 

But I’m stubborn. And unqualified. And kind of a chicken. Remember that anxiety I was talking about? I was ill-equipped for something like this. I wanted a plan. I needed more proof that I was actually supposed to be doing this. I came up with every excuse I could find. And you know what? God was patient and persistent. He answered every single doubt with an even bigger reason why I should go. I’ve found peace in every step along the way, and I’m SO excited!

And really, who am I to say ‘Thanks for the invite, God, but I already have plans!’ 

So I’m clearing my schedule and leaving behind anything that might weigh me down. (Literally. I can only fit so much in my pack!) And I hope that you’ll join me as I prepare my heart (and stomach. Tacos are universal, right?!) for the path set before me and my team.