“..do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour.”-Matthew 10:19 (ESV)

“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?”-Romans 8:31 (ESV)


“Don’t worry about it.”

“Why are you worried about it? It’s going to work out.”

“The Lord will help you figure it out.”

I’m pretty sure that many of you have heard or even quoted the statements mentioned above. Often times, we allow worry and anxiety to cloud and rob our minds of the peace that God has already worked things out in our favor instead of holding onto the promises of his word. Trust me when I say that I definitely would be found guilty of such acts. 

So today, I FINALLY told my parents about the secret that I had been holding and that was that I was going to be a missionary for the World Race…. I sent an email with the heading “SURPRISE” in the subject box and in the text box I wrote the message: “I have a secret to tell you.” and then pasted the link to my blog.

I called my mom and told her that I sent her an email, to read it and then call me once she had read it and sent a text to my dad letting him know that I had sent him something as well and that I would touch bases with him after lunch.

When the time came to talk to both of my parents, I was truly relieved that they were in support and didn’t respond like I expected them too. For about a few weeks or so, I had just simply prayed for the Lord to prepare their hearts and minds for the moment I reveal to them the information regarding this journey that I’m getting ready to embark on. It’s not that I was seeking their approval because I’m grown enough to make decisions on my own, but more so their support. I know that they are my parents and that I’m their baby and that they want what’s best for me, but at the same time, God is calling me to do something that is far greater than myself and for his kingdom. I was so relieved and had peace one I discovered that I have their full support.

Later that day, I also notified my supervisor/boss and she was just as amazed and in support as they were. I even told her I was worried about her response as well as my parents, but she said to me that God always does things in decency and in order…And that was just another confirmation that this is the path that he has me on…So WHY was I worried??!! …I think sometimes we’re afraid of letting people down or afraid of what they will have to say or how they, but like Bishop Jakes said “It’s not about them or they. It’s about you and God.” That’s what I have to remember. My destiny is about me and God, not about friends or family (Sorry guys! Not saying this in a mean way.)

So, I just pray that whatever it is that you are worried about give it to God and at the right time, he’ll give you the wisdom to handle it correctly. Just know that if he is for you, he’s greater than whatever is trying to come against you.

Many Blessings,




P.S. My first goal of $5,000 will be due in April 2017. Consider partnering with me by donating whatever the Lord lays on your heart, as well as subscribing to my blog to keep up with me as I prepare for this journey. I pray that your week will be blessed.