Ever been just minding your own business and get a text that just freaked you out? Well that’s what happened to me about two weeks ago. My squad mentor Jeremy text me and instantly I knew everything was about to change. See Jeremy does not text without purpose. He ask when would be a good time to speak and he will send me an email for me to ponder on during the day before our talk.  As I continue to freak out the email came through and my heart skipped multiple beats. 

No matter what is happening, God is good. He always fullfills His promises and this new season is a beautiful reminder of just that. God was about to fullfill promises He told me while I was on the race, promises of truth and love. God was about to take the seeds that He planted last season and allow them to grow and blossom into beauty. 


The email asked if I would be willing to lead a team of college age women on a three month mission trip to Cambodia and Thailand with Adventures in Missions.  If you know me, you know my heart for women’s ministry and how God has grace me for Southeast Asia. So as I still here in Gainesville Georgia at training camp, I am in awe with God’s heart and love for His children. 


Some of you may also know that I am pursuing a long term missionary position in Cambodia with Adventures in Missions. I was technically suppose to be leaving next week for that vision trip but God has bigger, more amazing plans. I will be leading for three months and at the end of April send my team back home to America and than I will make my way back to Cambodia for my vision trip. 


I will never regret saying no to God, no matter how hard things may get and they get really hard, no matter if I walk alone in my calling and no matter how much hurt I see, I will continue to say yes with an open heart. Yes has led me to become more than I could have imagine. Yes had led me around the world to discover the hearts of people and God. Yes has led me to shed the ugly and pick up the beautiful. Yes has led me to Gods heart and for that I will always follow. 


Pray Request


Pray for the parents how hard to say goodbye for three months to their children. 

Pray for leadership as we step out in faith to lead some amazing humans. 

Pray for the participants as they step out in faith for the next season of life. 



I will continue to fundraise while I am leading and would love for you to partner with me. I am praying for monthly support as I pursue the long term missionary position in Cambodia. 

I am looking for friends, family and community to come along side me with monthly donations of $30 , $100 or any amount you feel led to monthly. 

I can not do any of this without your support and I am beyond thankful for your partnership, support and love. 


Join me on this journey. 



His beloved
