I first felt the call to the World Race 4 years ago. I remember searching for world missions after coming back from Tanzania the summer between high school and college. While browsing, I found the World Race. Immediately, the idea was burned into my mind. The call to “Go into the world with nothing but a backpack for a whole year” was pretty much all it took. However, age, school, and other reasons quickly dismissed the idea. But I’m positive God opened that door 4 years ago. All through college I have continually been excited, and slightly terrified, by the idea of leaving everything behind and taking only what you carry to follow Jesus where He leads.

Last year a friend from school went on the WR. He came back with so many stories and once again, my thoughts turned to whether this is where God was calling me. Yes!

Looking back, I see how God has worked in so many ways to bring me to this next big adventure. I was delayed in school a year which means I will be 23 when I leave on the WR (that’s important later). I’ve lived in 4 different locations and have grown tremendously in being able to form relationships with new people, something I struggled with before college. I’ve been privileged to meet many friends from overseas and see others go on missions abroad. On and on the little things keep setting me up for taking a year after school, away from work, to follow Jesus out into the world. Ask me 4 years ago, 1 year ago, or even 6 months ago and I wouldn’t have guessed this would be where I was headed after school!

So why the 10/40?? Multiple times the 10/40 has come up over the last 4 years. The traveling team and Joshua project have both made presentations on the 10/40 while I was at school. Both of those stuck with me. Unreached, Unfunded, Unloved by the world. I’ve met good friends from Pakistan, the Middle East, East Asia, and Indonesia, all of which have shared their stories! Not to mention so much of the world news also comes from these regions. And it’s the most unreached! I began praying that God would break my heart for what breaks His last year. Slowly, I’ve felt drawn to the more disregarded and untouched areas of my own community and the world. It hasn’t been a fall to your knees in tears kind of heart break, but more of a deep seated understanding of the pain and struggle present in the world. How easy it is for me to overlook those in need all around. Those same people God desperately loves and cares for. Well, the expedition route heads straight into this area of the world. However, you must be 23 to go on this route. My first thought was I’m too young. I’m the youngest in my class with a late summer birthday. But wait! God has worked into my life obstacles and opportunities at just the right time to place me a full year behind in school. This not only ultimately benefited me in my classes and college experience, but it also set the stage for an opportunity to go the place in the world that has always been in the back of my mind—the 10/40 window.

Back in June I was super excited about going on the WR. When looking at the Routes, I immediately saw the Expedition route and knew that was the route that I wanted to go on. Two months later when they released the August 2017 routes, the Expedition route was listed. At first I had a sinking feeling. I knew this was the route, but also knew that it would be no walk in the park. I felt God calling me WAY outside myself. And that’s a little terrifying! Quickly though I felt reassured and the sense of adventure and excitement returned!

Looking forward to the WR I have a whole mix of expectations and emotions. I know without a doubt that God is going to use this to stretch and mold me, probably in ways that ME doesn’t like, but in ways that will be so GOOD.

Currently I feel as if I just landed a ship on the shore of some new land. The land is full of adventure to live and new marvels to explore. There is a vast country waiting out there full of trial and expectation. However, right now is a time of preparation. I’m excited to see how God will use the next year and all my family and friends to help send me on this journey! So, jump on board! I need all the support I can get to set off and to return with stories of all the things our God is doing in the world! Now, is a time to unload the ship and set up camp on the shore. Looking to the horizon and the adventure that awaits, I don’t know what I will find or what I will be doing, but with God, one thing I am sure of:

It’s gonna be GOOD.


He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

-Luke 10:2