Well folks, it is official.  I’ve lost my mind.  At least, that’s the goal.  

I mean, if you want to get technical, the goal is to lose my life.  But, before you question my sanity, let me refer you to Matthew 16:25 in which Jesus is speaking to his disciples. 

He says, “If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.”

I am in the process of preparing for the World Race, a ministry of the organization Adventures in Missions (more on how the Lord led me to this in later posts).  This is an 11 month mission trip taking place in 11 countries spanning 4 continents.  Woohoo! During these 11 months my team and I will be serving in numerous ways and working to meet whatever needs are present in each country.  From working in orphanages with kids, to teaching English, to evangelizing, to matters of social justice, we will have the opportunity to serve and show Christ’s love in so many ways.  

And throughout these 11 months, my team and I will be living in sleeping bags and tents.  Oh, and carrying everything we have in backpacks.  Oh, and we won’t know specifically where we’ll be living and exactly how we’ll be serving in each country until we get there… Oh, and…..

And that’s where I lose ’em.  “Girl, you’ve lost your mind.”

Good 🙂  Then I’m on the right track.

This journey, the World Race, is an incredible opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the world.  For 11 months, in 11 countries, I will see the Kingdom of God being built and get to participate in that work.  And it will teach, strengthen, and encourage me to continue to see to it that the Kingdom of God is built in whatever place I find myself for the rest of my life.  

This is more than a one time trip.  This is an experience of giving up my home, my job, many of my possessions, comfort, giving up my life for the sake of Christ and that others may come to know him.  It’s going to be hard.  And SO worth it.  Because it isn’t just something I’m doing.  This is who I am called to BE.  

So, maybe I’ve lost my mind, but that’s just the start.  Lord, let me give up my very life to find it in you.  My life was never my own anyway.  Teach me to give up everything I have, and everything I am so that you might increase and live in me for the sake of your Kingdom and Glory forever.