I went to a drug and alcohol rehab center today. I had no idea what to expect or what was going to happen.


When we got there the director met us and asked if we could help lead in the chapel, share in small groups, and play games. Not having anything planned or ready, we quickly answered yes. 


We walked into the chapel with about twenty men that do life there. Tiara shared a message, and Emily and Sara shared testimonies. They talked about the armor of God and encouraged the guys that were living there. Caleb and Anna led worship for everyone. After we finished sharing and the service had ended. Sam stood up and invited anyone who needed prayer to come forward. I sat there and watched the men that lived there stand up and go forward. Then we got to surround them, lay hands upon them, and lift them up to the Lord.


Then we split up into four small groups. We hung out with the guys. Had a time where they got to ask us questions. Questions about the race, about our lives, about scripture, or things they have been wondering. Then we got to ask about them and hear more of their stories. We got to be friends and just spend time together. 


The time had come for games. Unsure of what this would look like we came together and were told that a volleyball tournament was about to happen. It was so much fun. We laughed, people fell, incredible moves were made, and unfortunately my team lost. 


This day was one of my favorite days in India. Today I got to have intentional conversations with people and meet them right where they are at. I got to partake in worshipping alongside these men who are in the midst of fighting for something they want. I got to hear incredible testimonies of how good and faithful God is. I also got to have fun and laugh a lot. It was a beautiful representation of what it looks like to be the church and have a group of people come together and share their gifts with those around them.