“through all the generations you have been and will forever be our HOME”

-Psalm 90:1-


Exactly a year ago this word “home” began to be redefined.

Home to me, a year ago was simply defined as my house in Gardner, KS. It was safe and cozy, where I grew up and where all my things and my family belonged. 

I remember at first arriving in Swaziland, and calling that tiny little building all 50 of us lived in with 2 toilets home. I remember calling those people family, brothers and sisters too. And time after time, with the change of each country we would make where we were home and then have to leave and say goodbye to another home again. At times it left me feeling home-less, but because of the people i was with, surrounded by their love and support walking through the hard times and the goodtimes, the hellos and the goodbyes, all the tiny moments that made up each and every day, these people were constant, a little piece of each home, memories with each person in each place carried along through the journey. But even deeper and even beyond the “home” found in each of these people was the HOME found in our Heavenly Father. His constant presence and comfort amidst the struggle and the sickness, the darkness and the light, each moment along the way He was walking right by my side. 

He says “ABIDE in me” for he is our greatest REST, REFUGE, SHELTER and HOME beyond all comprehension or explanation, we are completely at h o m e in Him.

I so dearly miss all the places and the people that I called home, but I know that we are all beautifully and wonderfully connected and intertwined, for we are all connected to the vine, we are all brothers and sisters. And what a beautiful day it will be when all the people and children from swaziland, the old women and our host family in Lesotho, all the women in their saris and little children from the slums in india and Nepal, all our neighbors from Nicaragua and students from Guatemala. What a beautiful day it will be when we are all standing TOGETHER in new radiant garments, reflecting the glory and light of our God while lifting our voices and praises and worship to Him, all finally at our real and eternal home, no longer separated by miles or languages, but completely and fully HOME.

Also I have a new blog, which i have transferred all of my world Race posts to and will be adding new ones to very soon, which you can find and subscribe to at the link below, or comment if you would like me to subscribe you for email notifications. 


thank you so very much, may you too begin to see all the little reflections of our eternal home in everyone and everything.


-jordan schaeffer-