When I first heard about the World Race I was cleaning a bathroom at Carolina Point, a YoungLife Camp with Rebecca, who is on property staff.  She had gone on the 11 month World Race trip after college. We cleaned the bathroom and talked about the World Race. I didn’t think I could go on the World Race, I thought it was for senior in college or those who had already graduated. When I was at the Lindsey Lee Boot Scoot, (a local event supporting the community in the areas of faith, education, arts and studies abroad) I heard that two people who had graduated from my school last year and were on the race at that time, I knew I had to check it out. I never thought my parents would let me go, so when I asked them that night and they said maybe, I had a feeling in my heart that I was supposed to go.  God was working in crazy ways in my life that I didn’t even know. About two weeks after completing my application and interview, I got a phone call from a random number.  I didn’t pick up, thinking it was another spam call. Once I saw the call was from Atlanta, Georgia I called right back. I’m glad I did because it was about my acceptance to the World Race! About a week after I got accepted, I got connected with multiple people in my route.

 Some of y’all may be thinking I’m crazy for going. I will be turning 19 two months after I leave. You’re probably thinking what 18 almost 19 year old can deal with fundraising such a large amount of money and travel the World without their parents. I agree it’s crazy, fundraising is   not easy and I’m only starting, but I am embracing the craziness with open arms. I am going to be embracing people and their cultures for nine months. I will have stories to tell and pictures to share. I wouldn’t have the opportunity of this adventure if it wasn’t in God’s plan for me. Isaiah 54:10, “Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” has helped me through a lot lately in everything, especially looking towards the future.

 My family and I are spending the weekend at a ranch in Bandera, Texas. We have it all to our selves. When you drive through the gate, there is a road with water flowing over it. The house we are staying in is right after this water crossing. The sunset was beautiful, and the way it reflected across the river was even better. It was an amazing sight to see. I was taking pictures of the sunset, the dried up Texas grass, and the old porch swing hanging from a tree and I got an overwhelming feeling of excitement. I realized at this point in time next year I will be taking pictures in another part of the world. I can’t wait to share those pictures with y’all!

 Thanks for sticking through my second blog post. Hopefully they will get better the more I write. If you could continue keeping, me, my fundraising, my team, and the people we will meet on our travels in your prayers I would be so thankful.


  Emry Brandenburger

     Future World racer