Long time no see. Literally. 


(Read till the end because at the end I am telling you all what my next season of life looks like!)


The last time I talked to you all I was leaving the field. Since then I have visited my brother (who is now deployed again), been home for a week, went to TX for a few days with my now boyfriend Logan, went down to Project Search Light for a week in Georgia with all my World Race people to end this season with a BANG. 


I have just begun the process of figuring out how to “America” and figuring out what my new role is here on this side of the world. Tears have been shed and laugher has been hard to come by in some moments. Sometimes I feel like I never left the country and sometimes I feel like I’m still traveling. Sometimes I want to be alone and sometimes I need constant attention. It’s been a really hard season already. 


I really struggled with what my purpose is now. I’m no longer living with sex trafficking victims, hiking the Himalayas and preaching or feeding starving children in Africa… but God still has a purpose for me. My purpose didn’t end when I said my goodbyes and got on my flight back home… my purpose ends when I am no longer on this earth. God gives us different seasons for a reason and calls us to different things for a reason. Our purpose is always living to spread his kingdom… it’s just in what way. 


I learned a lot on my race but one of the biggest things I learned is that regardless what I am doing or where I am… God will still use me if I let him. 


Something huge I have taken home off the field is to have a YES in my spirit. When God calls you in any direction, way, or circumstance… have a YES in your spirit. 


We have to learn how to take that first step even if we don’t know where the staircase is leading us. (The staircase is Jesus). 


I miss the field more than anything in the entire world, but in Gods timing I will be back and when I go back I will be stronger and more equipped. 


I’m a confused American learning how to American again and it’s hard. 


I cry a lot in stores cause it’s too overwhelming and I still cringe in the shower before I realize America has hot water. 


I’m all over the place. 




I’m still not sure what to expect or what is going to happen… but God has called me to say YES to an opportunity to attend a Leadership and Discipleship school through an organization called CGA (Center for Global Action). 




This program will help me achieve the dreams the Lord gave me on my race. I want to start an organization that will help end Sex Trafficking and help the victims of Sex Trafficking both globally and in our own backyard. I have a lot of goals and hopes with this dream of mine… and CGA will help me achieve those dreams that God has placed on my heart. 


I HAVE A NEW BLOG THAT I WILL POST BELOW that y’all can follow!!! I will be posting from there for now on during my CGA experience! I will be posting a blog soon about what CGA does, how exactly it will help me, and all the small and large details about the program. 




This is a scary next step for me. I will have to fundraise again, I will be leaving home again, I will be taking another leap of faith… but God has given me peace amidst the chaos. 


Go ahead and jump on over to that Blog to read more about CGA! I’m scared and nervous and expectant and ready. This journey has never been easy but God never called me to do things that are easy… he called me to be brave and bold in his presence. 


So here I am. 

Ready to fly. 

Ready to make radical impact. 


Thank you everyone for your continued support and I am praying y’all will continue to follow along as I step into this new journey! I love you all. 

