All The Things

Hello I haven’t blogged in a hot second because honestly… life has been extremely hectic and hard. We changed countries, I went to South Africa for a day, I got settled into Ecuador, I led part of a conference… I’ve been really busy.

Let me catch you up to date.

Leaving Africa was really hard… really really hard. I loved Africa so so much. Africa was one place I had always had a heart to go to and minister too. I held babies, I preached, I played sports, I taught at a school, I fed children, I saw poverty, and I was exposed to a lot. I got used to living in conditions that weren’t necessarily sanitary and I got used to seeing devastating things on a daily basis. I lived in a city in Zimbabwe, a very dangerous area in Zambia, and right outside a village in Malawi. While in Africa I learned that God wants me to make decisions for myself. I know that sounds crazy and way too simple… but that’s something he clearly has spoken over me. I tend to live my life for other people and not myself and God needs me to start living my life for Jesus and making decisions that benefit my relationship with the Lord over other people. It’s hard. It’s messy… but it’s worth it. God also showed me how much I love children. I have always loved children but while I was in Africa my heart exploded with love for children. God also showed me how much I love preaching and pouring out Gods word over others. God has given me a heart to share what he has taught me and I think that is really cool. God also showed me that I am a very bold person and I need to start walking in that more. I need to take authority of the boldness he has given me and be unashamed. God also showed me that I love community. My community changed halfway through my time in Africa and it was a hard but beautiful transition. I learned that community can and does look different depending on who is around and how much you take and pour into it. I loved Africa and I honestly have left a huge piece of my heart there because I was there for so long… four months consecutively to be exact. Four months is a very long time and it was very hard at times but also something I will never forget and never want to erase from my story. Wow I could talk about Africa for so so long. It’s beautiful. It’s amazing. It’s breathtaking. It’s different than every stereotype I have ever heard. It’s kind. It’s loving. It’s blooming with Gods love. I love Africa and every hot and sweaty second I spent there.

After we left Malawi we flew into South Africa for a day and then flew to Ecuador!!

When we first arrived in Ecuador we had an Awakening Conference where 3 different World Race Squads came together and worshiped, preached, poured into one another, hung out, related to one another, and just had a good time. At the Awakening we had different categories you could be apart of to take charge of. There was Worship, Evangelism, Hospitality, and Intercession. In each category they also selected 3 people, one from each squad, to lead the specific categories. I was chosen to lead Hospitality! We planned events, prayed over the hosts, bought gifts, led things, created a cleanup crew and much more. It was cool to see the three squads join as one and it was even cooler to be with other people that understood what you were going through besides your own squad mates. It was a breath of fresh air and a perfect way to start out Ecuador!

Now I have been in Ecuador for almost 2 weeks I think and I am loving every second of it. Our ministry is working with street kids at a local small ministry in a park. I will write a blog about my ministry specifically soon… so keep an eye out for that!! It’s been cool and God has 100% worked through us being there! We have painted, fed kids, gardened, and much more.

While I am here in Ecuador it’s also an All Squad portion of the Race. All 30ish of us are living in one house in community. We are still in our teams, our teams still have different ministries, but we all are living and walking through this journey with one another… which is really sweet. We actually had an All Squad portion of the Race in India starting out this journey and now we are ending our journey as a squad… how sweet? It’s been cool to see our squad come together and support one another in this time. We all are truly brothers and sisters at this point and becoming a family as been one of my favorite parts of the race by far.

There’s so much more I could talk about but I think for now this will do. I am excited to tell you more about what the Lord is doing here in Ecuador so keep your eyes peeled for that!

– my parents come in 6 days to see me and see what the Lord is doing here in Ecuador
– I really want to finish these next two months and a half months here in Ecuador strong
– Prayer for my heart about making decisions regarding my home life after the race
– Prayer for my heart currently as it is completely being pushed and pulled and wrecked right now
– Prayer for God to continue to work here and in us

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for more! Love y’all!