My heart is so full of joy and gratitude! 

I am sitting here with the biggest smile on my face just thinking about how God continues to amaze me and leave me in awe of how good He is! Not only has He been providing the funds for this mission trip through all of you, He has blessed me with an amazing group of friends and family who have been by my side to support me, encourage me, pray with me, and volunteer their time to help me do these fundraisers.

Today at the car wash fundraiser, I got to meet and talk to some outstanding people who also want to share the love of Christ with others and many who wanted to be a part of this journey with me!

I’m excited to share with you all that $386 was donated at today’s fundraiser– TOTAL AMOUNT RAISED is $2,676 to date, which makes this mission trip 16% funded so far.

Thank you everyone for all your love, support, and prayers as I continue to work towards this fundraising goal. God is truly teaching me a lot about myself through this adventure. I love that it is just the beginning!