It’s already been 2 weeks since I’ve been home, and I’ve changed every concrete plan I thought I had.  India was a stressful time for many reasons, and one of the reasons is I was trying to plan for my future.  Why did I choose to do it during the homesickness that the holidays brought? I don’t know. I became so flustered that I started many college applications and only finished one, it was for Northwest University.  About a month later, while I was in Nepal, I heard about my acceptance. Instead of being excited, I didn’t know how to feel, but it gave me the perfect answer to everyone’s questions.

“Oh, I am going back to school this fall at Northwest University!”

To which everyone replied,

“That’s great! I’m so happy you have a plan!”

A weight was lifted off my shoulders, I had a plan!  I wasn’t thrilled about it, but it was official, and it seemed logical.  As months passed and countries changed, I became stressed again, and decided I wouldn’t think about NU until I got home, knowing in the back of my mind that it wasn’t really where I was supposed to be.  Well the first day home my mom pulled out all the college papers I had been mailed, and seeing the tuition, even with all my financial aid, blew me out of the water. It was the last thing I needed to confirm that I should not go to Northwest.

So funny story, I am going back to Cascadia CC!  The school I spent 2 years at, the school I thought I said goodbye to!  I always liked Cascadia, and never had a problem while attending, so I feel good about this new plan.  This fall I will finish my math credits that I was putting off previously, and finish my AA by Christmas.  What’s after that, you ask? I don’t know, but I’m okay with not knowing. Having a plan for September is good enough for me.

All this to say, I am exploring my options for after school by going to Ethiopia the last week of July as a vision trip.  If you don’t know, my family is forever connected to Ethiopia through adoption and also our non-profit Hope Overflowing. My parents started HOF with a friend we made in country, and their mission to bring hope through Jesus to street children and women is growing.  Once we get to Africa, we will live with the boys and their mentors in the New Life home to get the full experience. You can read about HOF here:

The World Race changed me in many ways, and with my new perspective on life my long term plans/goals have changed.  Missions is very important to me, and I loved living uncomfortably. I am hoping that seeing Hope Overflowing in action will open new doors and opportunities for me in the future, and I am asking you to partner with me.  I need $1,700 for a round trip plane ticket to Addis Ababa, and I can’t do it alone. Monday starts a new job for me, so I am working hard to make my way back to Africa, but I would greatly appreciate your support as well.  

Aside from monetary support, I need prayer!  As I said before, I don’t know what’s after December, and although I am not worried (yet), please pray for my future.  I want to go where the Lord leads, not where I want to go. Pray for patience as I wait for God to lead me, and for a listening spirit when He speaks.

If you want to support me financially, please reach out to me through email ([email protected]) or on Facebook so I can make it as easy as possible for both of us.  Thank you for everyone who has followed my journey, and continues to care, I am so blessed to have this community.