Community (noun) : a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.

For 11 months I get to live in intense community with Y Squad. We will travel our route together and serve God, His people, and each other. While my Squad is my family, my team are my people. Y Squad has been broken into three unique and wonderfully made teams. Our teams are with whom we will serve, minister, and do life throughout our Race. Teams do change while on the field, but for the first few months, I get the privilege to do life with Team “Always Before Me”!! We are a team of 6 women on a mission to put Christ, His people, and each other before ourselves. We are going into these first few months with the mindset of selflessness and God-centered attitudes!

Here is our team…

Mack Kraemer (

Mack is our fearless Team Leader and fills the role with grace and passion. She is from Washington state and is 23 years old. Mack is a fierce friend. Her intentionality within relationships is part of what makes her a strong leader. She takes the time to invest in the lives of the people around her and loves without hesitation. My prayer is that Mack will see her worth through the eyes of the Lord and that she will continue to display God’s love to every single person we encounter.


Leah Van Someren (

Leah was my first friend through the World Race, and has quickly become my fiercest friend. Leah challenges me in the best ways. She chases after the Lord with such determination and knows when to simply rest in His presence. Leah lives in Denver and is our oldest team member at 25. She brings wisdom and ease to our young team and I am looking forward to learning so much from this sweet girl. My prayer for Leah is that she finds new and exciting ways to fall in love with Christ this year, and that she is blessed by this team in every way possible.


Nichol Crose (

I admire Nichol in more ways than I could say here. She is the definition of poise and grace, and carries with her a strong perspective. Nichol is 22 years old and from Indiana. Her faith in Christ and in people is apparent in every action. Nichol is very receptive to those around her and will be an incredible teammate when things start to get tough. My prayer for Nichol is that she steps out even further in faith this year, that her walk with Christ transforms to dance.


Carly Miers (

Oh Carly, the joy you bring to my heart. Carly is a 21 year old Florida girl. She carries the torch for our team and is the definition of a free spirit. She walks in a passionate relationship with the Lord and shares her struggles and fears with a beautiful sense of vulnerability. Carly is by far one of the funniest people I have met and I look forward to the countless laughs and snuggles. My prayer for Carly is that the Lord reveals Himself to her in the quiet moments, that she continues to see Him in the little things and finds happiness there.


Kat Wilder (

Kat is our youngest team member, and our breath of fresh air. This 21 year old Georgia native feels life in such a deep and lovely way. She is not afraid to tell us when she is off the wall excited, or when her fear is creeping to the surface. I admire her honesty and vulnerability so much and hope I can be like her when I grow up. Because she does not guard her emotions, Kat is able to love wonderfully and I am so thankful for her love. My prayer for Kat is that she continues to give over her anxieties to the Lord and finds rest within this team. 

This team was so thoughtfully hand-picked and I am honored to be among these strong, gracious, people-loving, God-fearing women. I look forward to growing in community and in Christ with these women, and learning more of their stories and qualities.

Thank you ladies for bringing such joy and love to this team, I am pumped to do life with you.


With love,



“She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.”

Proverbs 31: 26


See more from our team here: