Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that lay before Him endured a cross and despised the shame and has sat down at the right hand of God’s throne.” – Hebrews 12:1-2

A few days ago, our teams had the opportunity to go visit an Art & Animation School in the city we’re staying in. Imagine being inside the offices where the creators of Disney sit and dream of the next Disney prince or princess for new animated movies. Imagine a space where failure is accepted, in fact, failure is applauded. Imagine a space where students from all different races, religions, and backgrounds get the opportunity to perfect a new skill that could provide them a job so they can financially support their families.

Now imagine that the people who run this organization are steadfast believers of Jesus.

This is the reality of the students who attend the Art & Animation School in India. As we entered the school where creativity, wonder, and imagination are expected daily, our team was awestruck. The couple that runs the school were given a vision from the Lord years ago to start the school in India, and by the provision of the Lord it has come to fruition.

As we finished our tour of the Art School, the director had our teams sit down in the art studio so each of the students could draw a portrait of us. Let me tell you, this is one the coolest experiences I have had in India.

We all took our seats and the first artist started to sketch a portrait of us. We sat down, face to face, with a complete stranger. But there was something so different about the way the artists looked at each person on our teams. When they looked at us…they weren’t just looking…they completely SAW us: every detail, every loose hair, every perfection, every flaw. They saw it all.


Throughout the entire portrait sketch we had to maintain eye contact as the artists looked from our eyes back down to their sketch pads. Something inside you changes when you intently lock eyes with someone for longer than 3 seconds. One look into their eyes and it’s as if you can see every fear, love, joy, pain, and hurt.

I kept thinking to myself that this is what life should look like with the Father.

Just to lock eyes with Jesus for 3 seconds. To stare into His eyes and to see all of the love, compassion, joy, and hurt that He went through for YOU.

In just 3 seconds with Jesus, that’s when things begin to change. I once heard someone say that the 2 greatest things people desire in life are:

  1. To be fully seen
  2. To be fully known

How can one be fully seen or fully known without first being looked at?

Whoever you may be reading this blog, I want to challenge you to close your eyes…even if it’s just for 3 seconds…and imagine yourself locking eyes with Jesus. My heart swells at the very thought of Him.

When I see my Makers eyes…

I see love, not hate.

I see joy, but I also see some sorrow…because I believe Jesus 100% feels the sorrows we go through on earth.

I see so much grace, not a person marking up a list of wrongs.

I see someone who is free, and who desires for me to walk in the freedom He gives.

I see wild eyes, ready for risk…expecting some risk…all the while knowing that with risk comes more faith and trust and possibilities beyond our human imagination.

Oh, to lock eyes with Father. To see Him for who He says He is. And for Him to see us for He says we are. That is the goal. That is the heart of the Father whose heartbeat is for us.