Hey my fellow readers I meant to post this 2 weeks ago but I forgot ?????? Sorry, my bad!

It’s a little past 9:20 am, and I am standing in the church. There’s beautiful rays from the sun piercing through the windows… all is calm, all is good, all is peacfull. We just finished worshiping and then my team member started reading Psalms 103 aloud. That’s when it happened; that’s when everything turned hectic.

I didn’t know what was happening, but the next thing I knew I wasn’t able to stand. I found myself sitting with utter shock and despair. Not able to vocalize what just happened, not able to explain it, not able to understand it. All I knew was I was empty. I wasn’t half full or half empty, I was completely drained and dried. What happened?

I’m still trying to understand it all, but what happened was I got spiritually attacked… and it was heavy. I haven’t felt that desperate and empty since before I was baptised. Sadly this is common for this area. I never thought about spiritual warfare in the past. I always said to myself yeah of course it happened… in the old testmeant. However this experience opened my eyes to the grim truth and some- no most- of you won’t like it.

The truth is we don’t recognize spiritual warfare in America because we are so comfortable. If someone talks about it they are seen as a Bible thumper or the crazy cat lady down the street.

Let me tell you my friends, spiritual warfare is no joke and I can give you many first hand accounts from my fellow squad mates. I was so unprepared for the spiritual warfare in this area that when I got attacked I started crying. But this does not even began to describe what it did to me. It took me not only that full day to recharge but took me coming to Ukraine to be able to get motivated enough agin to be able to post a blog. It took me having 3 hours of quiet time with the Lord this morning on October 11th to be able to get reconnected with him. I mean really connected with him. And it wasn’t until I spent a long amount of time with just me him and a cup of coffee to realize that I wasn’t on the same page as him.

I ask you to pray for the long term missionaries in that area just realizing now how real it was and what it can do to you. Also pray for the people who live there and that the Lord will open they’re hearts to receive his word. Even now as I type this I still can’t articulate the events, or the feelings I had from this event that transpired. So pray that the missionaries will be protected and that God will grant them the wisdom and power to approach it. This has been a very eye opening blog even for myself.

Coming at you live From Ukraine now this is Alec Dubree signing off much love to you all. Stay safe, But I urge you not to stay comfortable goodnight.