My summer endeavors have consisted of but not limited to:
  • Taking a tumble in my kayak at the Buffalo River (the water was calm…)
  • Enjoying a few rounds of disc golf with friends
  • Sleeping in and enjoying quality time with family
  • Interning at the Memphis Union Mission
  • Taking summer classes (blehh..)
  • Fundraising for the World Race (4 MONTHS TILL TRAINING CAMP!!!)

Although some of these moments have been quite hilarious, there’s been a handful of moments along the summer that have put me in a place of asking God what He has for me in the next few months and even right here right now. I have begun to learn a few simple truths the Lord has shown me through His Word the last couple of weeks. 

Jeremiah 17:7 says, “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.”

Trusting that God’s journey is so much greater than mine or anybody else’s has required a lot of patience for me. Trusting that He will provide all that I need for the World Race. Trusting that His timing is perfect. When David went up against the great Goliath, how much confidence do you think he had to have in the Lord to fight such an intimidating enemy? Confidence comes from understanding God’s purpose for our lives. We are all David’s equipped and ready to fight the enemy. Children of God have been called to be the Church and seek out the Great Commission. 

The World Race is my Great Commission. My summer here in Tennessee is my Great Commission. The next seven months leading up to my launch date is the opportunity to be disciplined and challenged to pursue the strength and confidence from the Lord that I’ll be able take with me across the world. That’s what I’m learning right now. 

Be a world changer wherever you are. 

“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” – Hebrews 12:11


Much love,

Tim LaRue