An update: my route will be traveling to ZIMBABWE instead of Botswana now! Sometimes route changes happen and I am learning more and more to be faithful to go where HE leads! I am excited to see what the Lord is going to do through our time there.

Look at that bar ^^^^ – that is the Lord’s provision. Praise God for His faithfulness! I have already met my next 3 financial goals and I have a few more large donations on their way right now! Thank you to all who have given – you are the hands and feet of Jesus to me and I cannot thank you enough.

That being said, my greatest need currently is GEAR.

While I am serving on the field next year I will be living out of a 65liter backpack and a daypack. This is where ALL of my belongings will go, and I am not yet equipped with all of the supplies to do this.

I have purchased a few of the big items on my own, such as my tent, but there are many other things I still need to get and I cannot afford to purchase everything myself.

I will be departing for training camp on OCTOBER 17TH and I hope to have all of my gear by then.

Training camp, among many things, will be a time for me to familiarize myself with my gear, learn the best ways to pack my bag, and manage the weight of everything during my fitness test.

A few people have already generously helped me in providing gear, but I still have things I need!

I have carefully selected (and sought advice about) each item that is on my list, some of them – such as electronics, will help me to communicate with people back home, take photos and videos for personal use as well as for different ministries overseas, and read on travel days. Other items will help me to drink safe water, sleep on a bed at night, or pack efficiently.  

If you would like to sponsor me with a gift I have registered at REI and on Amazon. The links are listed below.

For REI follow this link:

For Amazon follow this link: 

Thank you for all of your prayers and support during this season. I am truly blessed to have such passionate followers of Christ lift me up and love me well.