I was totally planning on writing this later this week; however, as I lie here, in the dark, in my bed, nervous about returning to work tomorrow I find myself already writing it in my brain. I figured I might as well do it now, while it is fresh in my head!
The past 2 weeks have been wonderful, but have been a blur! Two weeks ago I visited my best friend’s church to hear her fiancé preach. Not only did I get to see my best friend, her fiancé, and both of their families, BUT, a bunch of the counselors from the summer camp I worked at and still volunteer at came to church, so my heart was full! It was a great day! They also invited me to speak about the World Race and potentially get more sponsors! It was also my “summer break” from school, which I filled with lots of activities and seeing a bunch of friends! Then I took a week off from work to direct the Monarch camp at Camp Swatara. Monarch camp is for adults with intellectual disabilities and they are some of my absolute favorite people. It was my 4th summer directing Monarch 2 and it is literally one of my favorite weeks out of the whole year. It was very crazy and at times stressful, but overall it was a wonderful, successful, fun week!
This weekend, instead of recovering from my week at camp, I went to a country concert (which was absolutely incredible), went to church, and tried to hold youth group, but only 2 kiddos showed up. I probably should have rested up, but I felt I had too many other things to do. All of these other things are my focus for this blog!
In church this morning, our Gospel Scripture came from the book of Luke, chapter 10, verses 38-42 and it convicted me a little bit.
“Now while they were on their way, it occurred that Jesus entered a certain village, and a woman named Martha received and welcomed Him into her house. And she had a sister named Mary, who seated herself at the Lord’s feet and was listening to His teaching. But Martha [overly occupied and too busy] was distracted with much serving; and she came up to Him and said, Lord, is it nothing to You that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me [to lend a hand and do her part along with me]! But the Lord replied to her by saying, Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; There is need of only one or but a few things. Mary has chosen the good portion [that which is to her advantage], which shall not be taken away from her.”
??Luke? ?10:38-42? ?AMP??
This Scripture is one I am very familiar with; it was part of our camp curriculum one of the years I was on staff! I am totally Martha right now. I have so much to do, it is overwhelming. Time is literally flying by so fast and I feel super behind on World Race stuff.
I would love to put in my tshirt order; however, there are still like 30 more shirts I wanted to sell
I am behind on thank you notes and uploading $ onto this blog
I need to get some first round shots already
I need to send in my passport papers
I need to write my presentation/sermon that I am giving at my church on July 31st
I need to finish the poster of information for my church’s lobby
I need to update my fundraising thermometer poster that is up in my church
I need to see my doctor this week or next about some WR things
The list goes on and on and is never ending. Take a look back at my list though. Two things really stand out to me:
1) Almost every thing on my list begins with “I need”
2) None of those things have to do with spending time with God (okay, maybe 1 has to do with God/spending time with Him, but that is still not good enough)
Both of those points are a little unsettling. I am getting too caught up, distracted by things to do. The most important thing I should be doing is spending time with my main man Jesus. He will help me accomplish everything on my list, I just need to spend time with Him. He deserves so much more of me than what I am giving Him. In the battle of Martha vs. Mary, my inner Martha is raging when she needs to cool it and my inner Mary needs to come out!
Peace Be Still And Know That I Am God is a song we sing at camp. It is also a prayer, a mindset that I need to have/do. I need peace, I need quiet time, I need Jesus time. It is amazing how I was in one of the places I consider a home and really Holy/Spiritual, and yet I was so busy directing camp, that I had 1 time over the whole week where it was a quiet time spent with God. That needs to change.
I need to be more like Mary and less like Martha!
Please continue to pray for me and my whole World Race Family as we are in the midst of a super crazy, busy, stressful time. Training camp is right around the corner.
Pray for our world. I am entering the missions field in a very chaotic, scary time for our world. We need missionaries now, more than ever.
Pray for the communities we will be submerged into, pray for openness, healing, and acceptance for them and us.
Thank you so much for reading! I will post an update on fundraising later this week, once I calculate the new total!
God Bless,
Meg 🙂