Greetings Friends, Family, anyone following me who I haven’t met yet,

I am typing this sitting in the area of my house dedicated to World Race stuff trying to calculate donations, send out thank you notes, and continue sending out letters (I still have a TON to send out). I find myself super, insanely, crazy busy during the week with teaching at Woods Services, being my church’s youth director, leading a Bible study, and trying to spend time with friends to keep me sane and so weekends are my only time to commit to Race stuff (at this point). I know I need to prioritize and make Race stuff happen more frequently!! 

I am trying my best to not worry about everything, I am praying a lot, but time is flying so fast. I am very excited for the Race and want it to be here, like yesterday, but there is still SO much I need to do. I need to get my passport redone, figure out when to get all of my shots, buy a ton of supplies, make my crafts, meet with small groups of people to talk about how they can support me, put together my presentation for church visits, create a board with information on it, show people my t-shirt design so they can order them, and order my prayer cards for everyone’s refrigerators! I often become overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. 

There is a group on Facebook for everyone on my team to communicate with and we kind of get to meet each other before we meet for training camp in October! It has been so great to share advice and even prayer requests with each other. We already feel like a family and don’t really know anything about each other (yet). I am so thankful for this group. The only downside, is I often feel I am falling behind with preparing for the Race. It seems like a lot of people are able to only focus on the Race stuff, so they are way farther ahead of me in the process. It does not help that I was one of the last people to be accepted to this route either. I am trying to stay positive and trust God that everything will work out!

I have a mentor from my church that we try to meet every other week. Her name is Georgeanne and she is absolutely wonderful. She has seen me grow up in the church, has gone on mission trips with me, and we have even planned services together for our church’s adult fellowship retreats. She very wisely told me that I need to make the Race stuff a priority and stop worrying. I need to listen to the people around me more, and talk to God way more about it! 

My goal for the rest of May is to get out the rest of my letters, have t-shirt orders coming in, finish up the church presentations, stay on top of the thank you notes, write another blog post, and meet with people to talk about the Race. Sounds like a hefty task, but I am up for it! Hey I have 16 days, right?! 

Anyway, for those of you who have supported me already, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! This Race is not going to be possible with monetary donations and prayers from all of YOU! As of today, I have raised $3,171!! I am hoping to have close to $4,000 by Memorial Day weekend!! Thanks again for everything! 🙂 

Prayer Requests:

  • Me to stay sane
  • Fundraising to continue to be successful
  • To be productive of Race stuff during the week
  • My team members!! (They are dealing with the same stuff as me, and other things)
  • The countries we will be in next year; the communities we will be in

You guys are great! God Bess!

~Meg 🙂 
