Hello everyone!

My name is Megan Smith, but my friends call me Meg! I am 26 years old but will be 27 and turn 28 while on the race! I have a huge heart for missions and for others! I am beyond excited for the opportunity to be God’s hands and feet across Asia, Europe, and Africa in 2017! 

I grew up in Bucks County, Pa (near Philadelphia). I was raised by 2 wonderful parents and have a great little brother! My mom-mom also lives with me! I grew up in a fantastic church, that I now direct the Youth Group for. I grew closer to God in college and am just on fire for God. I help co-lead a Bible Study for younger adults. I am also a teacher at a residential facility for people with disabilities. 

I went on my first mission trip at 16 years old. It was after that first trip that my heart became a heart for missions. When I was 19, God placed Africa on my heart and I knew one day I was to be a missionary there. In college, I began a process to become a missionary in Africa; however, God stopped it. I was not ready. Zoom to the present and God has given me the YES, GO! I am honored to have been chosen to serve on the January 2017 Route 3 team! 

As I tell people, one of the common responses is “I’m so proud of you!” This is coming from people from all different aspects of my life. It has been amazing to experience the resonating approval from everyone in my life! I am then asked, how do your parents feel, are you nervous, etc. My parents are nervous, but excited for my journey. They have known this has been a dream of mine for so long that they are happy it is finally happening. My response to if I am nervous, is NO! I am beyond excited; but, it is a little scary. That to me reassures me even more that this is right!

Life is good and I am looking forward to sharing more about my life with all of you in my other blogs that I will be writing over the next 2 years! 🙂 God Bless!