Hi, all!

I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, so I thought I’d write a little update on what’s going on in my life currently.

Since returning home from my trip, I’ve started attending Vanguard Bible College in pursuit of my Bachelor of Arts in Theology. I’m absolutely in love with every day I have the opportunity to go to school and study about the thing I love most: God! I have been challenged and stretched, and have already learned so much since being in school. 

All this to say, I need your help. As some of you (or all of you) may remember, I spent a month at an orphanage in Kampong Cham last year where I had the pleasure of spending my days playing with and showing love to the most incredible kids I have ever met. I fell in love with two boys in particular, as some of you may remember from my posts: Channuth and Sopaeak. Both were the absolute sweetest, vibrant, joyful kids I have ever met, and I want more than anything to help them to be able to follow their dreams and reach the potential they both have (like seriously, they have so much potential). In Cambodia, the best chance for kids, especially those in orphanages, to break free from the cycle of poverty is to receive a proper education, and that’s what my mom and I have committed to help Channuth and Sopaeak do. We started sponsoring them to attend school last year, but due to both of our financial situations being extremely tight this year, we need your help. I have created a GoFundMe page and would ask that you’d consider donating to help support Channuth and Sopaeak continue to attend their school this year. I can promise you that it means the world to them and to me.

Here’s the link: https://www.gofundme.com/ChannuthandSopaeak

Thank you so much!!

Feel free to email me or comment if you have any questions!