I made my first blog post yesterday about the journey Jesus has beckoned me too, but now it’s time for the real question to be answered. Why Alisha? Why would you go? Leaving behind the connivence of an everyday life, sleeping in a tent and a sleeping bag for a year. Leaving home with a handful of clothing and carrying my life on my back. The answer is this. Courage.

For the past year I have had struggles in my life that caused me to lean in to Christ and deepen my walk with him. If anyone out there thinks I have it all together and that’s why I’m going on this trip, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve made mistakes and made those choices that put myself ahead of what the Lord wanted for me, and from me. I prayed for a way out of those places and to be rescued by Him because I felt so far from His love. When I was in those valleys, feeling farther than I ever had, I realized that I didn’t have to sit in my dismay. I could rise up and choose to accept His love and helping hand out of my darkness. I only had to be willing to reach out. Since that moment I haven’t let go. It took courage to accept that I am broken and always in need of a Savior. It doesn’t take a large heroic act. It can be as simple as saying an uplifting comment to someone whose in need. Through all these trials, the Lord showed me that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but acting in His truth in the presence of fear. 

I chose to go on the World Race because I had prayed for the Lord to give me courage and to step out on faith. Is there something He is calling you to? Something the Lord has placed in your path? You can chase it and you can have it. Why? Because God is good. That’s who he IS. For a long time, I have been walking with the Lord. Now; I want to run.