Truth be told, I chose to go on this journey after years of consideration. That’s right. YEARS. I first heard about the World Race when I was a junior at Iowa State University, and the thought of going on this life-changing journey has rested on my heart since then. 

In recognizing that it took me a bit of time to get to this point though, I thought it might be helpful to consolidate that time of thought, reflection and research into a simply laid out blog post to hopefully answer some questions about the Race. So let’s break it down – 

What is the World Race? 

The World Race is an 11 month mission trip to 11 different countries around the world. Every day on the race may look different as we partner with local churches and organizations serving to meet the needs in the community. With our missions ranging from building churches, putting on VBS at orphanages, ministering to sex trafficking victims and much more my role will be ever changing, but what I can keep consistent is giving my best to be God’s servant – To share His light and love with everyone I come in contact with. 

How about some World Race history…How long has this program been around?

[Straight from]

The first World Race squads launched from Mexico in January 2006. Literally knocking on doors and sleeping on streets, it was a raw adventure of faith. While in Swaziland in 2007, the Lord told Seth Barnes to structure the World Race for a movement and to give it away to our generation.

The World Race continues to change. It is expanding overseas and in the States, yet its foundations stay the same. It is a journey to 11 countries in 11 months to serve “the least of these” while amongst real and raw community. It facilitates discipleship through the process of discovering into the abundant life He promised. It births partnerships with ministries around the world. It requires Luke 10-like faith.

We’re calling you out of your comfort zone and giving you exposure to what God is doing in the world before you commit to the American dream. Because it’s not about you, it’s about the Kingdom.

Why am I going? 

Over the last two years of traveling North America for my sorority, I have come to find how critical it is to take steps towards broadening our perspectives…This perspective leads to an open mind and an overwhelming empathy to the individuals we encounter and the story they have to share. 

The world is a scary place right now, but I believe that what the world needs are people who are willing to take a stand and do good. At the core of this goodness is my faith, and the willingness to take a leap and trust that God can and will use me for His kingdom; that He will not just use me to change this world, but will also use this world and His people to change me. 

On top of all of that, His timing is perfect. My role as a Leadership Development Consultant maxes out at two years a.k.a April 2016. I chose not to pursue a career quite yet, recognizing that there aren’t a lot of opportunities in a young career to take 11 months off…”If not now, when?” was my mentality and I’m eager to see what God has in store! 

To learn more about my call to go and my spiritual journey so far, check out these blog posts – 

Where will I be? 

South Africa

South East Asia

Central America


What’s the cost? 

$16,691: The money that I am fundraising will cover all team costs once the trip begins (August 4, 2016). This includes food, lodging, and air, land & sea travel. It also covers administrative, setup, coaching, debrief, and training costs prior to and at the start of the Race. I am planning on covering a portion of this cost on my own, but as with most mission trips, will rely heavily on the love and support of people like you to get me to where He needs me. 

approx. $3,000: This money is outside of the $16,691 and will come directly from me. It includes personal spending money, travel to the training, travel to the start point, return travel home from a major U.S. city at the conclusion of the Race, medical insurance, vaccinations and all of my gear.

Vaccinations? For What??

Yellow Fever is the only required vaccination for all World Racers as some countries require it for entry. Outside of that, I have or will be getting vaccinated for Measles, Tetanus, Chickenpox, Polio, Flu, Hepatitis A and B, Typhoid, Malaria (several months of pills…), Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Good thing I’m not scared of needles…

What is included in the “gear”?

World Racers get to take with them a backpack (mine is a 65L) and a daypack (think college backpack). In the larger of the two bags, I’ll be packing my tent and all of it’s accessories (rain guard, footprint, etc.), sleeping pad (my mattress for a good portion of the 11 months), sleeping bag, modest clothes, shoes (tennis shoes, Chacos, hiking boots), and various toiletries. All of that has to stay under 50lbs. Backpack #2 is more of my carry-on. I’ll be bringing my laptop, kindle, bible, journals, pens and some other trinkets to remind me of home.

What are some of the expectations of a World Racer?

[Straight from]

“Because the World Race is, in simplest terms, a Christian missions trip we are looking for people who are followers of Jesus. In addition, we’re looking for participants who are ready for the following:

  • Ready for God to show up
  • Ready to live in an authentic community
  • Ready to change
  • Ready to deal with and expose the past
  • Ready to have a positive attitude”

If you follow this link, you can read testimonies of each expectation…Completely in awe of what He has planned! 

How can you help? 

If you feel God is leading you to support The World Race and my mission please visit the [Support Me!] tab at the top of this page, or simply click on the link provided.

I also have a few FUNdraisers going on along with a support group on Facebook. Feel free to join at for the most up-to-date information around my fundraising efforts and spiritual journey. 

Lastly, and by far most importantly, I ask that you to pray for my eyes to be open to see His goodness; my ears to be open to listen carefully to His call; for Him to soften my heart that I may love unconditionally and find peace in the unknown. Prayer is a powerful thing, and is the best way to show your support. 

That’s all I have for now, but please feel free to comment or message me with any more questions and I’d be happy to answer them. 

I am so excited to go on this journey and can’t wait to share it with you. 

Much love,
