I’ve officially been in Colombia for two and a half weeks now. It feels like at least a month and two weeks! It also feels like I’m home.

I’m learning how little home has to do with location and how much it has to do with what you’re pursuing and who you’re surrounded by. As a disclosure: I absolutely feel like I’m home when I’m surrounded by my family and friends from the States as well! But being here has been a time of complete joy and freedom and fullness because I know, that I know, that I know I am where I’m supposed to be, doing what the Lord’s called me to do. And as a plus I’ve been surrounded by people who both celebrate and spur that on!

I arrived in Colombia with the rest of our leadership team exactly two and a half weeks ago. This was my first time meeting most of them, so our first few days were filled with getting to know each other as well as casting vision for the two weeks of training we were about to put on for our fifteen Fusion Four racers.

This is our leadership team, made of my three other co-squad leaders, our mentor, and our coaches. When I say they are incredible – I mean it!

Three days later the racers arrived.

Let the training beginning!

Most of training camp has included teachings, worship, activities out in the community, and lots of fun. It’s been incredible to participate in training camp from the leadership side; dreaming with the Lord on what kind of teaching and activities He has for the squad to prepare them for the year. Walking alongside racers as they discover new parts of our Lord’s heart and how He communicates with us. Watching them discover how He gifted each one of them uniquely and delights in each individual using those giftings. Experiencing God break the boxes we’ve put Him in and reveal how truly infinite and limitless He is.

He is just so good!

Towards the end of training camp we split the squad into teams. I will be leading a specific team for the first part of my time on the field. And then jumping from team to team with my other co-squad leaders for the second half.

To say I’m pumped about my team would be an extreme understatement. A group of girls who have each admitted they wouldn’t have put themselves together, but man, when I look at them I truly see the Body of Christ. They each bring such different aspects of Jesus to the table and they recognize that. They encourage each other’s uniqueness and love each other so. darn. well! And on top of all of that, we have so much fun together!

On our first day out as a team we went exploring around Medillin, the town we lived in during training camp. We hiked up to a little colony on the hill for some incredible view gazing, sharing, and of course, laughing. I’m telling you, this team is filled with good times.

Then we decided to go to a park and play some cards.

As we were playing cards some local kids gathered around to join. We asked them if they wanted to join us and spent the next hour gathered around a tiny table stealing each other’s cards and watching God break down the language barrier.

It has been incredible to watch the Lord provide opportunity upon opportunity to share His love with His children. Whether little ones at the park, couples we come across struggling in their marriage, immigrants we are sharing a hostel with, or people we meet at church. He’s opened the door for us to share big, impacting words with these people through the smallest action, such as an, “Hola!”

And through it all He’s assured us we are where we’re supposed to be, doing what we’re supposed to be doing. Allowing us to feel at home, no matter the location.

My team is currently in Pereira, where the Lord has given us the most incredible testimonies. I can’t wait to share! Tomorrow we will head to a smaller town outside of the city. Prayers for safe travel, eyes to continue seeing His children, ears to continue hearing what He has for them, and boldness to continue sharing would be so appreciated. Also, for our team to continue to unite as we get to know and love each other!