To be honest, I’m not much of a blogger. And by not much of one, I mean I’m not one at all. Actually, if I’m being perfectly honest, I always wanted to be a blogger but I never really thought my words we’re adequate enough.

It seems to have been a theme in my life. Not feeling adequate enough. It’s a battle I’ve always been fighting. Not adequate enough to write a blog or be a camp counselor. Not adequate enough to lead a team or even go on the World Race.

I remember hearing about the World Race for the first time summer of 2011. I was going into my senior year and was at Sigma, the highest leadership program at Sky Ranch. My camp counselor told me about her friend that was going through the program. 11 months in 11 countries serving the least of these. What. A. Dream. But that’s all it was, a dream. Because only extraordinary people would be chosen to do something like that – extraordinarily godly people with extraordinarily godly wisdom and extraordinarily godly faith. Right? People who have read the whole bible through at least 5 times, have memorized the order of all the books, and have brought at least 20 people to Christ. Those are the only people that God would chose to do something like that. Those are the only people that would be adequate. And with my history, I was far, far, far from adequate.

Well here I am, four years later, just now really learning the truth. And the truth is, I have been entrusted with the gospel. Entrust: (verb) to put something into someone’s care or protection.

Wait, sorry. What?! Who am I to be entrusted with the gospel? The Good News that saves lives. The news that brings freedom to the enslaved. The news that brings restoration to the broken. Who am I to have the story of our Savior under my protection?

And while I feel so unworthy, the fact of the matter is, the Lord chose me. He chose to bring me out of darkness, to lavish grace upon me, to have a relationship with me, to cover me in love, and to allow me to know Him intimately.

So, when resting in this simple truth, the only thing I could think to myself was, what am I going to do with it? Because the fact of the matter is, not everyone has been entrusted with the gospel. Not everyone has been chosen to know the Savior intimately, to have the Good News laid in the palm of their hands? So, what am I going to do with it? Am I going to sit back and keep telling myself that I am not adequate enough? Or am I going to share with a broken world the love of a God that has saved my life?

So this Thanksgiving I am thankful for a God who chose ordinary me. A God who doesn’t need people to be extraordinary to be His. A Father who chose me to know Him intimately, to love Him freely, and to share Him with the world. This Thanksgiving I’m thankful for a God who says that my love for Him makes me more than adequate.