How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! 

Growing up as kids we played a game called Telephone, Telephone is when one person starts with a word or phrase and spreads it around the room to see if the outcome is the same after it being shared. As teenagers we all heard rumors that bounced off the hallways and lockers. Now, as a young adult I find myself watching,listening and reading the news through the media. How and why does that all spread so fast and far, but so many are left unreached with the Great News of a God who gave His only son for them.

I challenge you to answer a few questions

How often do you share good news? Bad news? Is bad news shared more often than good news? Do you have good news to share? What is the greatest news you’ve ever received? How far are you willing to go to share good news? How far do you go to tell certain people in your life news? 

As I answer these questions for myself I realize texting a friend about a touchdown or sharing a link to a news report on Facebook is not sharing news with an impact. I do not share good news or bad news very often, I do however have great news to share and I’m willing and able to cross oceans to share it. 

My challenge for 2016 to you is to share good news with as many people as you can. As for myself I will start now with great news for us all : We are loved, saved and forgiven. My goal for 2016/2017 is to bring the great news of an Almighty Loving Lord to as many hearts as I can. This year I’ve been called on to become a missionary and serve, though it is not an easy or conventional job it is rewarding. Not everyone is called to serve and share great news in this way but I hope that you feel called on to share good news in your life while my team and I are sharing the greatest news with the unreached. Share the news of success, wealth, well-being and giving. While refraining to share the news of hatred, defeat and greed.

Have beautiful feet and share good news.

If you’re interested in sharing The Great News but can’t cross oceans join me in my journey to share great news with the untouched. I need support through prayer and thoughts, as well as financially. Every little bit is appreciated and much needed! 

Thank you and Happy New Year !