Am I really doing this? Is this really happening?

For the past two years, it’s been sitting on my heart. This desire for adventure, for the rugged and raw, for the road less traveled. It was that idea that was gnawing at the back of my heart, even before it had a name. And even when God gave it a name, I still didn’t hear it.

And then He called me.

The World Race.

I never imagined myself doing global missions. I was content to live my days in the comforts of America, with the occasional “voluntourism” trip to some village in Africa or Southeast Asia – you know, for perspective. I always admired my friends in the Global Studies department, who would write long flowery statuses about how their heart burns for __________, or post Instagrams of vintage globes with vague action verbs stamped across them. I never thought I’d be that crazy guy to spend a whole year living in a tent, out of a backpack, moving constantly, and showering once a week. I liked the romantic notions of it all, but it just wasn’t who I am.

I’m an artist. I know the arts, I do the arts, I love the arts. I enjoy jumping into a new show and playing a part I’ve never played before. I love getting to create and glorify God through my gifts in acting and singing. I love getting to perform for thousands of people, and tell stories that not only entertain but also leave a lasting impact. I know with certainty that God created me with these artistic faculties, and in turn, I’m fired up by God’s plans to use those gifts in the future. When God called me to move to New York City, my response was a smarmy “well, duh”. It was already in the planner.

But missions? Not for me, thanks.

And then He called me.

Despite my questions, my anxiety, and my complete lack of qualifying personality factors, He called me to the World Race. I began to reach back into my past to search for a trail of crumbs that might have led up to His reveal. Am I really cut out for this? I’d spent so much of my time finding my identity as an artist that I missed out on the other parts of me God had been subtly working on behind my back. As I had been nailing down the details of my identity, I had in turn peacefully narrowed down my life to a few realistic paths, expecting God to comply. He had His plans. But nothing could trump mine.

And then He called me.

I began to look at the world with fresh eyes. A childlike wonder staring at a map and seeing a different picture. A thousand questions racing in my mind, my heart pumping as I started seeing out the windows of my life inside the box. It was dark and shadowy outside, and a little hard to see the path, but something about this new terrain called me outward… Somebody holding my hand, grinning ear to ear, softly whispering “I can’t wait to take you on adventure with me”.

It was outside of the box, walking blind, clinging tightly to the Hand holding mine, that I saw who I am.

A disciple.

And so, here I am. I’m going on the World Race. Launching in October 2016, I will be traveling to eleven different countries in eleven months, spanning three different continents. Each month, I will be taking on various projects and ministries with my team of fellow believers, serving those in need and spreading the love of Christ. Depending on the location, my team will be doing anything from street evangelism, to building schools, to teaching English, to leading church services, to healing the sick – whatever God calls us to for that specific month, we’re stepping into the challenge. And as intimidating as it will be to trust God in my immense lack of missions experience or field training, I step into this Great Unknown with both feet.

In the end, God wasn’t waiting for me to rearrange my life. He wasn’t asking me to switch majors, or change my hairstyle, or start a non-profit. He wasn’t asking me to play a role.

He simply called me.

And all He wanted was my “yes”.


“This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.” – 1 John 5:3 (NIV)