So I left you on a cliffhanger. I asked you to pray for us as we got vision for the month as a team where we would have no set ministry. So I want to let you in on how things have went down so far as we asked the Lord for direction in every aspect of our month so far.
We took some time to pray as a group for what this month would hold when we were in Skopje, Macedonia. Then we discussed things we thought the Lord was telling us such as: a country outline, encouraging believers, a split, Kosove, ministry within the team, a month of transitions and having to build deep relationships quickly.
The country outline turned out to be of Kosove so we all decided we would go there. As we were looking up places to stay within budget, we found a place that seemed to fit in a little town called Bogë. We didn’t realize how small it was until we took a taxi an hour up into the mountains. It was a small skiing town that was currently in its off season. It was beginning to drizzle and a woman and her daughter invited us in out of the rain. There we found out someone was already staying in the cabin we had booked. It was a nice Muslim family that enjoyed chatting with us because we were Americans. The woman and her daughter helped us to get into a different cabin that was within budget. That week we got to pray, worship, and fast as a team. We spent time with the family staying in the other cabin as well as a group from a political party next door. The other neighbor gave us the number to a Christian bakery in Peje. So we felt like we should pursue it. We left a message and they quickly let us know the bakery had closed recently but they would be willing to take us in anyway.
The couple that ran the bakery turned out to be American missionaries that had been in Kosove for 10 years. They had a jalapeno export business and were in the process of moving to a smaller house now that 3 of their 5 kids were in college back in America. We got to help them weed a jalapeno field, pack for their move, and help with the tear down of the bakery interior. They ended up giving us the number of a Christian woman in Pristina who had recently opened a cafe to support a student center.
During this week I got sick so our team decided to split so I would stay, rest, and visit the doctor with the missionary family and my teammate Jenna for a few days while the others would stay in Pristina to help with the cafe.
That brings us up to present. We are getting ready to head to Thessaloniki for the last week to ask the Lord what he has for us there. The exciting part is that you can get involved and join me. Check out this blog for the details on how you can join our squad for ATL around the world! It’s gonna be epic!