Cambodia. I honestly didn’t know what to expect in coming back. The first time I was here about 2.5 years ago was good, but my team struggled that month. I had wrapped up so much of what Cambodia was into the struggles my team experienced.


But, Cambodia is beautiful. I am in a village this time instead of Phnom Penh, and I love being surrounded by rice fields and dirt roads so much more than tuk-tuks and buildings. My ministry this time is also so different. Instead of teaching English, I am working with New Hope for Orphans orphanage just outside of Kampong Cham.


The biggest difference in my two experiences is my team. On my World Race it was month 8. We were tired, ready for a break, and not always willing to put in the effort to thrive as a team. The team I am leading now, they are excited, fresh, and willing to put in the time and energy to love the people around them. It’s exciting to see Cambodia through fresh eyes. To experience it with people who are excited to embrace everything it has to offer.


I am also a different person now then I was 2.5 years ago. I am less driven by perfection and having unreasonable standards for the people around me. I am more willing to extend grace and freedom.


It’s amazing to see Cambodia again. To see the people for who they are, not colored by my past experiences. God is always a redeemer. Not just of his people, but also of our experiences. God has worked to redeem a country for me, that 2 months ago I didn’t want to come back to, so I could see just another small piece of his redemptive heart.


God’s heart for Cambodia goes beyond just redeeming his people here, but using this place to redeem and restore my heart as well.

