Dear Loved Ones,

I am writing with very exciting news about what God is doing in my life.  I recently left my job in Columbus, OH and have been earnestly seeking the Lord’s direction for my life.  My heart has always felt the Lord calling me to do missions.  After much prayer and consideration, I believe He has told me this is the season.  He revealed an opportunity to participate in a mission’s trip, through an organization called Adventures in Missions.

Adventures in Missions sends 250 young adults on each launch of “The World Race.”   We work, serve, witness, pray, learn and grow in Christ in foreign lands throughout the world!  I will be part of a group of 6 that travels to the following 11 countries: South Africa, Botswana, Cambodia, Madagascar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. Each of us must commit to invest 11 months of our lives totally focused on serving others for Christ in those countries.

We will experience many cultures; establish relationships; preach the Gospel; worship; pray; and display the love of Jesus to people who have likely never heard of Him or experienced His love. We will be His hands and feet in a broken world.  I am excited, nervous, and humbled all at the same time. 

Part of the challenge of the World Race is each member must raise his or her own support.  The estimated expense of my trip is $16,562. This sounds like a large amount of money and it is.  Yet when you break it down, it is only about  $50 a day to  cover the cost of transportation, room and board, and all training necessary to place a young missionary in the field for 11 months. I hope you agree it is a bargain for getting the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world.

I am prayerfully asking you to partner with me in this experience as I give about a year of my life to serve our King.  Your prayers; your encouragement; and your financial support in any amount would be greatly appreciated at this time.   I only have a short time in which to raise these funds as we leave for training in October and for our mission trip in January.

 If God leads you to donate on a monthly basis, you may visit . You may search the web site by my name, Julie Reusser, and simply follow the instructions for making automatic donations.  If you feel led to make a one-time contribution, then you may visit my blog at and select “support me” in the top right corner.   If you choose to send funds by mail, please make all payments out to “Adventures in Missions” being sure to include my first and last name in the memo line to ensure the funds are properly recorded.   The mailing address is:

Adventures in Missions

PO Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374


All donations are tax deductible.   I thank you in advance for your contribution and prayers.  May God bless you richly as you invest in His kingdom.


For those of you who wish to stay in touch with me during this journey, you can do so by accessing my blog at .This is the best way for me to communicate with all my partners and supporters prior to, during, and after my journey. I would love for you travel with me via the internet so you too can witness everything the Lord will being doing through and in all of us in “The World Race.”  Will you please join me?

Yours in Christ,


Julie Reusser

Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.