It’s taken a while to get the courage up to post something like this.  So about a week ago, I was really struggling with feeling inadquate.  I was stressing about fundraising, and as I opened up my bible I see on the top where I wrote “don’t stress GODs got this.”  And I had a picture of my baptism in that page of my bible.  It was a beautiful reminder to me that GODs will will be done.  And HE will never forget about me no matter how little I feel.  

I know that I am inadequate.  I am imperfect. That is why I need GOD.  I need GOD to work through me to reach the world that needs HIM.  I world full of imperfect and inadquate people.  Through GOD I am made adquate.  This is something that GOD constantly  keeps reminding me of. 

So please continue to keep my squad as we prepare for this journey.  There will be many challenges that we will face both as a team and as indivuduals over the next 2 years.  I’m excited about the ways that GOD will shape all of us through this experience, but I also know that there will be growing pains involved in all of this process.