Here is my blog following up the Q&A! Thanks for the questions! Enjoy.


What is your favorite picture of the race so far?

Who is the most memorable person you’ve met so far?
Nompendula aka Nomps. She was one of our ministry contacts in Botswana. She loves coffee and Jesus. She not only runs PR at the organization but she has a magazine and edits.

What is the weirdest place you’ve done ministry?
We did prison ministry in Botswana and that was definitely not some place I thought I’d have a chance to minister in.

How does this trip compare to your personal race?
Very different. My eyes have been opened to a lot such as behind the scenes stuff that takes place. But I also see a difference in the participants. They step into ministry and community with more vulnerability than I saw in people my own age on my race. They humble me a lot by the way they live and seek God.

What do you wish you brought on this race?
I wish a brought a bug net. There are so many more mosquitoes in these countries than the last ones. Nothing is worse than a mosquito buzzing in your ear in the middle of the night.

What is your current favorite bible verse?
Matthew 9:12 – Healthy people don’t need a doctor, sick people do.

On a scale of 1-10, how difficult has leading a group of people been?
I’d say 5. The good days far out weigh any bad days. Travel days are the hardest when there are 40+ people but during the months with less people around it’s much easier to be present and play a supportive role.

What is your favorite and least favorite parts of being a squad leader?
My favorite is getting to do ministry and live life alongside the participants. My least favorite is telling people they’re shorts aren’t ministry appropriate.

What is your favorite World Race snack?
Popcorn with honey and cinnamon, hands down.

If you were to describe your squad leading experience in a type of food, what would it be and why.
Spaghetti noodle. You have to be flexible with everything and it’s very hot.

Would you like toes for teeth or teeth for toes? Explanation not optional.
Teeth for toes. They’d be good for digging things.

What fruit of the spirit are you currently growing in, as a fruit?
Jackfruit. It takes a year to grow and much longer for the tree to even grow tall enough to grow fruit. So patience. Always patience.

What kind of African animal would you be and why.
The wildebeast, because they are one of the 5 most dangerous animals and I like saying the name.