Jesus had very clear instructions upon his departure from us. “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, and drive out demons.” He was very precise. very literally. very bold. I like to imagine what the disciples were thinking when Jesus gave this command. They were being commissioned to go hang out with the diseased, the despised, the dying, and the dangerous. Not exactly fun for most people.

We are often referred to as sheep in scripture, and Jesus is our trusty Shepard. John 10:11 reads ” I am sending you out like a sheep among wolves.” Sheep are one of the most senseless animals alive. They have peanut sized brains, zero direction, and get scared at the slightest noise. No wonder they need a shepherd. A shepherd guides his sheep, cares for them, tends to their every need, shelters them, feeds them, and keeps them safe. A shepherd loves his sheep, and the sheep love the shepherd. They listen to his voice.

Well.. If Jesus loves us why would he send us out among wolves? Jesus is implying to his disciples then and to us now” I am sending you out to dangerous places, among dangerous people, to do dangerous things. People will look at you like sheep heading out among wolves, they will think you’re crazy, having no idea what you are getting into. THIS is what it means to be his disciple.

He is going to call you to unsafe places, and ask you  to do strange things in unexplainable ways. It’s not our job to question this command. But to Go.

If you’re human. Which if you’re reading this..You ARE. Then this command probably does not settle well with you. It’s scary, and unfamiliar. Things we don’t tend to gravitate to. We often think if something is dangerous, or risky it must not be Gods will.  But what if the center of Gods will is actually the most dangerous place to be?

Thousands of people all over the world lose their lives DAILY for the sake of the gospel. They live recklessly abandoned to taking his word to the nations. They are beheaded, mocked, beaten, and persecuted. FOR HIM.

Jesus tells us repeatedly “we will be hated because of him.” Following Jesus does not make the world love you. The world will hate you. Because they hated him. The reason we will be betrayed, and persecuted is because HE was betrayed and persecuted. He continues to tell us “we will be flogged, arrested, and tortured. He said brother will come against brother till death, father against child. But the one who stands firm will be saved”

The first part of that scripture is not too promising. I don’t want people to hate me. I surely don’t WANT to die.

But what if I do? what if I don’t come back? What if I never get married or have kids? Or live in a fancy house? or drive a nice car? What if I don’t get to live the “American Dream?”

Would following Jesus STILL be worth it?

WARNING** To everyone who wants a safe, untroubled, comfortable life free from danger, STAY AWAY FROM JESUS.

DANGER is inevitable and unavoidable when you have a deep relationship with Jesus.

Maybe this is why we settle for mediocracy. A casual relationsip with Jesus and a check list of daily routine Christian rituals, and occasionally church on Sundays. Maybe this is why there are 4.5 billions people in the world who have never heard his name. Or perhaps even why we settle for the normal comfortable American dream life.

The world likes us when we are pursuing things of this world. But if we are pursing things of this world we ARENT pursuing Jesus.

Paul tells us not to only believe in Christ but to suffer for Christ. Its not the most welcoming invitation. “bow your heads, close your eyes, receive Christ and you will recieve suffering.” …Geee Thanks. How exciting!

This is reality. This is what it means to be a Follower of Christ.

Are we willing to obey his command? To be like him? To follow him?

Are we willing to go to great lengths and great danger to lead others to Christ? To share in his sufferings?

A few lines back I quoted some verses from Matthew. The last line read “but those who stand firm will be saved.”

Following Jesus is not always easy. You don’t always understand. The rewards of the American dream are safety, security, and satisfaction. The rewards of following Jesus are eternal and far outweigh anything that can be accumulated here on earth.

Scripture constantly reminds us to “not be afraid.” how can sheep help but be afraid among wolves. How can Jesus promise us we will be persecuted, hated, betrayed, even die and expect us to not be afraid? He reminds us that our safety is not found in this world but a sovereign loving God who is in control of this world.

In Matthew 10 we read ” Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can not kill the soul.” PARAPHRASE ( Don’t be afraid of people, the worst they could do is kill you)

This is not exactly comforting to most people. but the only way this would seem comforting is if we have already died with Christ. If we are so focused on an eternity with God no human will put fear in us.

Paul said it best ” To Live is Christ, and to die is gain.”

The only way death can be a reward is if dying really is gain.

When I first signed up for world race I remember distinctly my mother asking me…What if you die? I said laughingly Well I am going to heaven either way, so whether I die on American soil or on African soil I know where I am going! She said What if I die (as to deter me from leaving for fear of something happening to her) and I said again laughingly Well I hope you’re going to heaven!

In all seriousness, this a completely rational question, that I’ve been asked many times. What if you die???

What if? But what if I go, and just one person hears the gospel and receives salvation? What if one nation is changed forever because through our squad they experience the Love and the power of God himself? What if there is redemption, restoration, and revival in areas of darkness where the name of Jesus hasn’t been spoken.

Would it still be worth it?

Absoultely. I long to look upon the face of Jesus and hear him say well done good and faithful servant, you accomplished everything I sent you to do. And if this trip means sacrificing everything… well then to live is Christ and to die is gain.