Well, as the title says, here are the five things that really impacted my life, worldview, and time spent in Indonesia!

1. Sabbath and Surrender 

These were both things that changed my life in Australia, and they continued to do so in Indonesia as I pressed deeper into understanding them.
Taking the time to find out what MY Sabbath with the Lord should look like.
Surrendering the “should’s” “supposed to’s” and other expectations of what it means to Sabbath.
Allowing the Lord to lead me in the quiet times.
Discovering who God is and who He created me to be.
And sometimes ending the day with more questions than answers.
And finding excitement in that.

2. Books

On my quest to read 50 books this year, here are a few that I particularly enjoyed this month.

The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis
I’ve read this before, but it’s always a pleasure to dive into anything by CS Lewis.
This one is satirical, which I find hilarious, and presents such common things in an eye-opening way.

White Rose, Black Forest by Eoin Dempsey
This one is fiction, set in Germany during World War II.
I just enjoyed reading it.

Everybody, Always by Bob Goff
This is the one.
I’ve only read the first five chapters because it’s not actually out until April 17.
But, I got lucky and joined the launch team, which means I got a few chapters early.
And it’s SO GOOD.
I’ve already pre-ordered the whole book.
Also, if you haven’t read Love Does by Bob Goff or Love Lives Here by his wife Maria, then do that too. 

3. Documentaries

I don’t really like movies.
I just don’t have the patience or something.
So naturally, I never really tried to watch a documentary because they were just more movies.
Until two days ago.
I watched three in one day.
And they were so fun!
And bonus, my brain didn’t feel all mushy like it usually does after I watch a movie.
Expedition Happiness
This one was about a couple who travel East to West across Canada, down Pacific Coast Highway, and into Mexico in a school bus-turned-house.
Super rad.
This one was about a priest and 12 members of his church who hike the Camino.
I got to walk part of it last September, and it just made me want to go back for more!
One Dollar A Day
Four guys graduate college and move to a tiny village in Guatemala where people live on a dollar a day.
They choose to live like the locals for 8 weeks.
Sooo…maybe a post-race option? 

4. Worship

God has been bringing worship up quite a bit in these last few weeks.
I’m not totally sure what he wants me to do with it yet, but it should be interesting.
My team listened to this sweet podcast called Brave Worship by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser.
It’s pretty great.
So go listen. 

5. Martabak

I thought about making “Food” number five, but really it’s just martabak.
Martabak is this amazing piece of heaven that we found in Indonesia.
“It’s like a crepe, but thicker.
Like a pancake maybe, but sweeter.
They cook it up in this cast iron skillet.
Then throw some bananas, chocolate, condensed milk, and lots of butter on it before cutting it in half and making a sandwich out of it, then buttering the outside again.
It comes with lots of different flavor options, like crepes.
But we always got “Pisang Coklat.”
I plan to attempt making this at home, so if anyone wants to come experiment with me, come play!


I’m still fundraising!
Thank you to everyone who has already joined my support team.
I officially have 7 weeks left before I go home, and in that time need to raise about $4300.
I’m pretty sure they won’t let me come home if I don’t raise it.
[Just kidding.]
But really, I need your help, so click “donate” if you want to support me as I lead this team!!