Jordy Searcy wrote a song. I’ve been listening to it a lot this week, and I think that the way that he writes shows a lot of how I think.

Here are his words.

“If you’re gay and over 85, and you’ve felt for your whole life that when God made you, he just messed up…

If you’ve been raised a southern belle, born and bred for show and tell but you lie down feeling never good enough… I’m so sorry for how it’s been.

We’re broken artists with broken pens. We paint our pride and call it truth. I’m sorry no one explained Jesus to you.

If you’ve heard a knock on your front door but all that you found on the porch was a pastor that just wanted to be right…

If you really want to pray to him, but you’re never sure he’s listening, cause “who could forgive what you did last night?”

I’m so sorry for how it’s been. We’re broken poets with silly words. We paint agendas and call it truth. I’m sorry no one explained Jesus to you.

Can’t you feel him in the room? All he wants is you.

I’m so sorry for all the wrong. We’re broken singers with broken songs. We paint our pride and call it truth. I’m sorry no one explained Jesus to you.

I’m sorry no one explained Jesus to you.”


Jesus’ story is a story of redemption. He did what He did (dying for all of our sins) so that we can be free of the things that plague us. He did what He did so that we can let go of shame. He did what He did because He is real and He loves us more than anyone ever could.

… and people honestly suck sometimes. We have things in us that are not what the Lord wants. We are broken artists, covering our flaws with things that seem beautiful to the world around us. We see things with one-track minds and say that it’s the best when it really might not be. We claim to be doing serving people out of love, but we sometimes get caught up in what we want instead.

It’s our job, because we know the Lord, to take those selfish things, uncover them, show people our real selves, and build relationships with our broken pieces. God has the power to use those pieces, make them whole, and use the new, beautiful creation for good.

The Lord is good, and I wish there were more people in this world that put oppressive and manipulative words aside to share who Jesus really is.


Jordy, thank you for your perspective and your honest words.