I can’t find my passport!

(Missing Elizabeth and Alleigh)
Ten days ago, I was in a search. A search for my passport!  Let’s back up a little bit throughout my life I have had a heart for people.  People to have joy and love.  To fight for people and to watch them recurve the freedom that Jesus gives!

Thirteen months ago, a man named matt Blair asked if I would lead passport.  I got a email and they wanted people in ten days!  I decided it was too soon of a turn around instead I stayed in Africa, and I hung out with 2 teams of gap year!  What a joy,  these woman new how to laugh, tell stories and dream big!

Since then I knew God wanted me to teach this age group again! So I said yes to passport in 2018!  Passport college age kids who decide to go do missions for 3 months.  Where do I come in?  I get to lead this group of 12!  John, Nico, Andrea, Elisabeth, Elizabeth, Carrie Lynn, Shelby, Sydney, Nic, Kayla, Morgan and channing.  Each one with a story and each one loved by jesus!  This world is hard pushing on us in so many ways and I get to take these people to a different country and be a community good bad and ugly!

I was running late, I feed the calves, I fed the cat, I drove the tractor to the other farm said good bye to the cows that I will miss.  I finished packing and I even found my passport praise!!  I was off to training camp then to Guatemala!

Training camp wow, I loved the condensed version!  Growing in unity growing in commu nity with worship and games and hearing people’s stories.  Being taught the truth, God jesus and the holy spirit.  Acts 1.8.  Knowing that we have power and God is active and good!!

So off we go for three months a period that will go slow and yet too fast when it’s over a goal to lead people closer to God.  A period where I see glimpses of my future and for more opportunities to need God!

Love justin