Hello all i am writing you from nepal and wanted to share what this month has looked like for me. This month has been squad month, squad month is where our whole group stays in the same place and can get to know more than our 6 team mates. As a squad we have had worship together food together going into the slum and praying for people and just all around fellowship. This month we were challenged with pouring into each other by sharing testimony’s and some people giving the message and others leading worship.

As a team we have gone to slum and loved on children. This has been the “drem” playing soccer with kids in 6inches of rain and cows in the water playing with us. What a wonderful time sharing love and witnessing what its like to be a child. Some other activities that we did with the children was playing soccer by the river were we eventually lost the ball 🙁 we also played Frisbee shout out to rf ultimate Frisbee but also lost the frisbee. Another day we drew on kids and i proclaimed gifts that i thought they had from the fruit of the spirit. Our ministry changes or looks different every week so this week we have taught English but i think tomorrow i will be going on an hour bus ride to a village and talk to a man who wants a chicken farm! Crazy fun adventures, there has been lots of sights ruined from the earthquakes and that’s sad to see.  We even experienced two small ones. I enjoy nepal and the people her. The city has people from all over because of mount everest.

Some pray requests just that i will be more bold lots of opportunities of sharing jesus whatever that looks like! Pray for my team, squad, and for Nepal and Cambodia.

Thanks all Justin out ps i also won at ping pong the other day