Good evening ladies and gentleman,
I am excited to announce that I will be going on the World Race this July! I can hear your thoughts, “The World Race?! Sounds like one of them fancy vacations!” First of all, wow. You are quite country, sir or mam. Secondly, let me tell you, this is not a vacation. Is it a God-led adventure? Absolutely. The World Race is a missions trip visiting 11 different countries in 11 months. For all you math majors out there, that’s one country for each month. While in each country, we will be focusing on ministries already established (education, sports, VBS, construction, orphanages etc.) and sometimes not as established (street teams, door to door evangelism, etc.). We will be spreading the Good News of God’s love and salvation to the locals. Where will we be going? Our route will first head to Africa to visit South Africa, Swaziland, and Mozambique. Then we will head to Asia to visit India, Nepal, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam (I can then honestly start stories with “Back in ‘Nam…”). Finally we will be headed to Central America to visit Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Crazy, right?!
Watch this 3 minute video to get a visual:
God has given me a heart for the nations, but I have only gone on one missions trip (if we are not counting my tour to Iraq) and it was an amazing trip to Costa Rica when I was 16. I am excited to finally again be a goer to the nations instead of just being a sender (although being a sender is just as important as being the goer). I have felt since I was 20 years old, that God would send me overseas for a least a season of my life, if not my whole life. And I feel that going on this World Race is a long-awaited door that He is finally opening for me. This is my chance to leave my American comforts, truly hold on to God, while pouring out His love to “the least of these”(Matt. 25:31-46), and see in what way He wants me to live the rest of my life.
So after much wrestling and prayer, I know this is what I’m supposed to do. I must be obedient and pursue this or I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.
I CANNOT do this trip without a supporting cast. Who might be my supporting cast? YOU! That’s right. I said it. I need you. “I need you like a heart needs a beat, but that’s nothing new.” Oops. Sorry went a little OneRepublic there. I need 3 things from you.
#1 More than anything, I need your prayers. Not just once right now, but constantly. You can subscribe to this blog and I will keep you updated on what’s next in this journey. And I’ll let you know how you can pray for my team and myself. Will you be a part of my prayer team?
#2 I need your financial investment. I need you to invest in my mission. God has called me to go and I need you to send me. This trip will cost over $16,000, so every dollar counts. You can do a one-time gift or split it up to monthly gifts. I urge you to pray about giving to my trip before you decide not to. Will you help send me?
#3 I need you to share my story with others who might be able to pray and give financially to the trip. Will you share my story?
Thank you, thank you, thank you, in advance. Once again, I cannot do this without you. Remember to subscribe to this blog and I will keep you updated as I trek toward my launch date this summer.
Stay thirsty my friends,
Taylor Upchurch
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20
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Adventures In Missions is a tax-exempt organization under IRS code 501(c)(3) and is a member of the ECFA. (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Due to IRS and ECFA regulations governing the administration of tax deductible donations given in support of a particular trip/program, support contributions given on behalf of an individual will be used to offset the costs of the trip/program you are involved in. All contributions are non-refundable regardless of the participant’s success in completing the program.