I have amazing news to share with you, friend! Ready?

 I am 14% raised for next year!!

Seriously, I look at this number and it blows my mind because this is way more than I thought would ever be possible! And I want to say thank you!! Thank you so much for your support! Whether this has been through a financial gift, words of encouragement, prayer, a kind note, whatever. I really truly do appreciate everything!!


With 14% raised, that means I have 86% left to go, and I know God is going to do incredible things to complete this goal!

And that’s where you come in.

I was talking to a friend the other week and she said, “I want to help you financially in a big way, but I can’t just give you a few hundred dollars right now. It’s not in my budget.”

That’s ok, I totally, 100% get that.  But what my friend hadn’t thought of, and maybe many of you aren’t aware of, is that there is a financial option of giving monthly. 


So I am proposing to you today the 10 Month Challenge!

Think about it…

If you committed to giving a certain amount for 10 months, that number would be multiplied!

$5 a month (or skipping out on one Starbucks drink)—— $50

$10 a month (or skipping out on one time eating out)—- $100

$20 a month (or skipping out on buying one t-shirt)——- $200

And so on! In this way a small gift can be multiplied by tenfold!


When calculating how this would work with how much I have left to raise, I realized that on average 199 people look at my blog posts. If every single person committed to $5 a month for 10 months, I would be 75% raised by December!

So I want to encourage you to:

  1. Pray about this opportunity to give and further God’s kingdom in Asia.
  2. If you feel called to do this, check out your budget to see what is possible for you to do. I understand that everyone has different amounts they can give. Whether you can give a little or a lot, every contribution truly does help! I firmly believe that God can multiple blessings and gifts, and I’ve already been seeing it happen!


Would you consider joining me in the 10 Month Challenge?


If you are interested, please click the orange “Support Me!” button in the top bar that tracks my finances. The next page you can type the amount, choose the frequency, and continue. If you are unsure about a monthly gift and want to start with a one-time gift, you can do so there as well.

If you have any questions or want to send a financial gift through the mail, please message me on Facebook or email me at [email protected].

Thank you!