There are several ways of supporting me financially:
1. Pay online! Under the raised-funds-o-meter, there some highlighted words that say “Support me!” you can click that and be lead through the process. This button allows you to pay online, although I should note that there is a 3-4% transaction fee. If you don’t wish to have the fee you can try options 2 or 3.
2. Send a check! I like this way best as there is no transaction fee Please feel free to ask me for more details.
3. Purchase some beautiful jewelry! While raising support, I have paired with Haiti’s Jewels. This is an organization that distributes handmade jewelry made by artists in Haiti from recycled material. Not only is this a great opportunity to support me, but it also helps these Haitian artists with over 85% of the profits going to me and the artists. If you have any questions, want to see a catalog, or want to read the artists’ bios, let me know.
Thank you so much for considering supporting me! I really appreciate all the encouragement I have received from so many people while beginning this adventure.
Thank you!