Good morning my Monday readers! I think I’m going to try to blog every Monday, just because well…. One, it makes my Mondays not seem so bad, and two, it makes me think of the World Race right at the start of my week. This blog post is really just a little update and how my weekend went really.

Friday night I left and I got to go out to Orlando. I got to meet three of my squad mates and get to go to Disney with them. I had one of the best weekends of my life! The three girls I met were ChaCha (who is from Philly), Jenny (from Orlando), and Katelynn (from Claremont). Jenny opened her wonderful home to us, and her parents were so welcoming and beyond nice.

It was so nice to finally be able to be with people who understand, the emotional up and down rollercoaster that the World Race can sometimes bring. We talked about everything, from what we liked the most, what we were most excited about the World Race, what is going to be a struggle, etc. and it was helpful. The things that I loved most about it, is our focus was on the World Race yes, but a lot of our conversations were about God. It was just so comforting.

One thing that seemed to keep coming up was fundraising. Is it taking a toll on us, how are we doing with it? Is it hard? I do think fundraising is a really hard process. We all did. It can be an emotional rollercoaster. Not knowing if we are going to be able to go. I was telling the girls that I don’t really have a lot of time to fundraise. Or don’t spend as much time as I should. I also told the girls that my faith is really strong into coming into this. I have to rely on God. I might not be able to afford everything but I know God will provide. We realized this journey started right when we got accepted… not when we leave for training camp, or board the plane to go to another country. It started right when we got accepted. Fundraising is part of the journey. It may be hard to rely on God through this, but He will provide if we keep that faith. He doesn’t want us to stress over not having the money, get all worked up, but He wants us to enjoy it. He wants us to enjoy this process and talk with people and let them know that we are about to go into these Nations and spread the gospel. He wants the people who are supporting whether its pray warrior, or donations to be part of the journey with us.

Sometimes, I need to really take my advice, and remember that too. We all have those hard days, but if we keep trying and keep our faith in Him through this process, we can really make this journey happen.

So this where I really need you. Can you guys pray for me and my squad? Just that we find comfort and peace through this high and low rollercoaster? Also there is a support me link up at the top if you feel like you are called to make a donation. I’m so grateful for every person who supports me through this. Whether it is just prayers or donations. My support team, you guys are awesome.

Until next time