Hey friends,

I have some exciting upcoming travel news!!!

But first let me give you a quick recap of what life after the World Race has looked like for me.

September 2015- July 2016: I went on an 11 month mission trip called the World Race.

September 2016- May 2017: I went to a leadership and discipleship program through Adventures in Mission (the organization that does the WR) for 8 months called Center for Global Action or CGA.

May 2017: I was asked to be an intern for the CGA program I just finished.

August 2017: I came on staff as a teacher in CGA.

May 2018 (right now): Currently I am teaching these beautiful humans in CGA…

August 2018… I will be Alumni Squad Leading!! I will be leaving in August for 5 months to lead the first 5 months of the 11 month mission trip I went on 2 years ago.


What does an Alumni Squad Leader do?

That’s a good question.

Myself, along with 2-3 other people will be leading a squad of 30-50 people. We are people that have already completed the World Race and we will go back out and help lead participants in their first 5 months of the WR. We will spend time building relationships with the participants, have one on one conversations, doing teachings, and just loving and serving our squad.


How long will you be in the field?

Well like I said earlier I will be with squad for 5 months. I will then come back home to Georgia and month 8 and month 11 of the race I will go back and meet the squad for what we call debriefs. Debriefs are a time where I will spend a week pouring into the squad and seeing how their time on the field has been.


Who will lead the squad once you come home?

At the beginning of month 5 we will chose 3-4 leaders from the squad who will then become the Raised up Squad Leaders.


Why do you want to Alumni Squad lead?

About two weeks ago I was praying about what it would look like to squad lead. I was a little nervous because I love living in Gainesville, GA and I have made some awesome friends here. I didn’t know if I wanted to leave again and miss 5 months of life here. I was honestly looking at jobs that would keep me here where it is safe and familiar.

As I prayed the Lord said two things that stuck with me.

1. I was looking at a job here in Georgia and the Lord said, “I did not create you to be safe. You were not meant for safety.”

2.  I was worried about what I would miss here in Georgia and he said, “yes you will miss some things, but think of what you will also gain.”

I want to squad lead because the Lord asked me to. I also miss the simplicity of the World Race and living out a pack. I want to walk alongside people as the encounter and discover new things about the Lord. I want to walk with people who have a freshness and excitement for new things that the Lord will do.


How do you pay for this?

I will be continuing my fundraising journey.

Right now I am still fundraising for CGA. I lack $2,700 for my current position in CGA.

Then I will be raising a total of $6,500 for squad leading. I need $3,500 raised for the first 5 months. Then I will raise the additional $3,000 for my flights and time on the field at month 8 and 11 debriefs.


How to Help:

If you would like to partner with me you can go to the “donate” tab on my blog at carsonshock.adventurescga.org.  You can also make a check out to Adventures in Missions and put my name in the memo line.

You can mail checks to:

Adventures in Missions

P.O. Box 742570

Atlanta, GA 30374-2570


Ways to be praying:

-People would know the Lord more deeply.

-That the Lord would provide the financial support I need.

-My squad would love each other and the people they serve so well.


If you would like more information or have more questions please feel free to email me at [email protected].


We are doing the thing!

Much love, Carson