I’ve been feeling a bit disconnected. My team of 7 women isn’t relationally close yet. I’ve been trying to balance grocery shopping for the teams, introvert time/rest, solitude with the Lord, and people time. Because of that, I haven’t felt deeply connected with the 6 women on my team.

I just want to be connected. I want to skip the in-between and just get to the connection part.  

I hand washed my clothes yesterday and hung them on a clothesline to dry.

The heavens opened up and downpoured for a lot of the day as my clothes were hanging (Praise Him as the rains are so needed in Australia right now). 

My clothes didn’t dry. I woke up and they were still damp, a super faint smell of must. 

I just want my clothes to be dry. I want to skip the in-between of waiting for them to dry. I just want them to be dry. 


Maybe these are signs that I need to work on patience. Maybe it’s highlighting my desire to care more about the destination than the journey. Maybe it’s just a lesson that I shouldn’t do laundry when it’s downpouring outside. 

Whatever the sign or lesson, I know that God wants to be part of the journey with me, with us. 

Maybe you have something that you just want to be done. Maybe you have a metaphorical destination you’re heading toward.

Pay attention to the journey – I have a feeling that God has some nuggets for us along the way.  


*written on 1.18.20