The World Race has been everything I ever wanted…and more. I have walked in areas of growth that I never imagined that I needed. I have healed in places of my heart that I didn’t even know were hurt. I have said “yes” to things from God not knowing how He was going to bring me to the other side. I have not taken the easy way; I’ve taken God’s way. And if I had to do it again, I’d do it the exact same.

When I committed to the World Race, I had this feeling that it was just the first step in what God had for me. I was right. Here I am; I’m preparing to step into a new season even while my current season isn’t completed.

Thank you to every person who has walked with me along this World Race journey. I couldn’t have done this without you! Your financial support as well as your prayers, encouragement, sweet notes, and blog comments have made such an impact. I’m so thankful. Seriously! This journey wouldn’t be possible without YOU!

I have learned so much through my time traveling the world, living in community, and serving dozens of ministries. Through this, I have seen more of the Kingdom of God at work in my every day life.

Through the World Race, I have also realized my passion for discipleship. I experienced this in Costa Rica with two ministries there. I worked with young girls teaching volleyball and being part of a sewing ministry/Bible study for women in the area. I also experienced this in the Philippines, teaching guitar lessons to several girls in the community. These ministries have changed my life by making my passion clear and ultimately leading me to what is next.

I have seen how God is telling me steps, one at a time. He isn’t showing me the full picture yet, just glimpses and I want to follow.

He is leading me to be part of a discipleship program with Adventures in Missions, called Center for Global Action (CGA). This program is built on discipleship, community, activation, and calling for those who have gone on the World Race or Passport trips.

My time at CGA in Gainesville, Georgia will begin January 29, 2016 and will be separated into semesters that are 3-4 months in length. They have 6 tracks to choose from. The track you choose is the focus of your semester. During each track, I will have the opportunity to learn from amazing speakers and teachers, be part of intentional community and discipleship, and work in apprenticeships throughout the Adventures in Missions organization.

I have decided to start with the Worship track and am still deciding between Leadership, Storytelling, and Missions as my other 2 tracks. I hope to spent 3 semesters with CGA, equal to 12 months.

I see the Center for Global Action as a launching pad into what God has for the rest of my life. I believe the things I learn while at CGA and the lessons God wants to bring me through will be vital for what is coming in the season after. This will be a “walking further” season for me. God has already begun works in me and will continue them as I walk further into His plan and continue on in radical obedience.

This is a program that is fundraising based. In order to do 3 semesters, 12 months, with Center for Global Action, I need God to provide $10,950.

To me, $10,950 seemed daunting to raise, just as $16,242 for the World Race did. But it’s all about perspective. $10,950 is my living expense for the full year.

So, here I am again: asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with me as I step into this next season with Adventures in Missions. I’m walking forward in a dream I didn’t even know I had until I left for these 11 countries.

Please consider partnering with me prayerfully and financially as I take this next step in God’s call.

Here are the different ways you can financially partner with me:

• You can send a check by mail to P.O. Box 742570 Atlanta, GA 30374-2570. Be sure to write the check to Adventures in Missions and put “Taylor Duggan” in the memo line.

•You can make a credit card donation directly through my blog by clicking on the “Support Me” tab.

•You can set up an automatic monthly donation by visiting If you choose to go this route:
     – Make sure you fill out “Taylor Duggan” for “Which Person or Purpose to Support”
     – Choose “6” or “12” for “Number of Monthly Payments”
     – Please let me know when you do this so I can have an accurate picture oF my fundraising goal achievement. 

• You can email me, comment on this blog, Facebook message me, or click on the “Contact Me” link on my blog and let me know if you would like to schedule a meeting (in person or Skype/FaceTime) when I get back to St. Louis to hear more about the World Race, CGA, and how you can be part of this next season of my ministry.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.