I’ve always loved the concept of legacies. To wonder what people would say when you’re gone. To know that you truly lived your life, that you gave your all, that you served others well. You made a mark. 


This concept has come to mind a couple times today and I wanted to share.


I went to my uncle Jim’s retirement ceremony this afternoon. He’s served 28 years in the Missouri Air National Guard. It was a wonderful ceremony celebrating the great man that he is. As I was listening to each speaker affirm and encourage my uncle, I kept imagining how many lives he came in contact with throughout his career. My uncle is not perfect, no one is perfect, but I heard a man say the first day he met my uncle, he went away from the conversation feeling that my uncle really listened. Another man said that my uncle was truly kind, diligent, and caring. I felt the entire ceremony had this theme of “legacy” and “leaving a place better than you found it.” My uncle changed the culture around Jefferson Barracks for the better. Though he won’t be there everyday, he won’t be forgotten there. He left his mark.


This evening, I was watching Mulan with my brother and sister. If you know anything about this movie, Mulan impersonates a male soldier in order to save her father from fighting in the war. SPOILER! She gets caught and is sentenced to death, but only after she makes a huge impact on the unit and even saves her Captain’s life. SPOILER!! Even when he is supposed to carry out the law and punish her, the Captain grants her life but releases her from her duties. Another layer of this story is that women are not valued. Her peers in the army are all men. They despised her at first because of some mishaps, but she worked hard at being a soldier and won their respect. Even when she was found out as a woman, the men in her unit still respected her. When she later rushed to warn them of the Hun’s pending attack, they were willing to follow her plan. Though this is a movie, I think we can learn some things from Mulan’s leadership. She served them well and left a legacy. She changed the culture around her for the better.


We have opportunities every day to leave legacies. Does the cashier have a sincere smile when you leave? How does your co-worker feel when they finish a conversation with you? Do your friends feel like you are truly engaged when you are with them? Are you a “giver” or a “taker?”   


You only live once. What are you going to do with your one life to make a difference in the people around you?


If you already have something in mind, do it! Stop waiting. If you don’t have an idea yet, tag along with someone else’s until you find your own. Don’t just sit around. You won’t find it that way. Take it one step at a time. 



That’s the pep talk. Now let’s go do something! 🙂



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