When they call you auntie

When they call you auntie, your heart fills up with so much love it could almost burst. When they tell you they love you, you know its true. Their sweet hands seem to fit perfectly in yours. Their smiles lighten your day.

They are so kind, so loving, so sweet. They want to spend every waking hour of the day with you and whenever you leave, they insist to know when you’ll be back.

Jireh Home

These are the kids of Jireh Children’s Home.

A home in Bangalore, India that houses 13 kids who would otherwise be living in slums, poor conditions, or in the very least, unable to go to school. Many of the children might be working in brick fields if it weren’t for the home, but you would never know that because the kids are loved and taken care of so well at Jireh home. 

Our Job

As the American “Aunties,” our job has basically been to hang out with the kids; every morning, we wake up, trek over to their house from our apartment (it’s not very far, we can see it from our place), and begin our day by doing devotions with them. After that, we eat breakfast and then do some kind of activity with them. Our afternoons are usually spent telling them stories, reading the Bible, or teaching them songs. Later in the day, after lunch and a break, we play games and end the day in worship.

Our hosts

Morong and Sendmi are some of the most caring people I have ever met. They have been so incredibly kind to us: they have prayed for us, cooked us amazing meals, and have made this month so memorable for both us and the children. Morong and Sendmi are truly amazing people, they started Jireh Home even though they were in need themselves and they care for the Jireh Home kids just as if they were their own.


Please Pray

One of the biggest obstacles that Jireh Home faces is funding. They are not given money from the government and really don’t have steady support at all. They rely on donations from friends, the church, and different presentations that Morong is able to make. Please pray that they would find people to support them every month.